Huffington Post

The week we were assigned to read the Huffington Post. Before this assignment, I have heard of the Huffington Post, but I do not read it due to all of the other media outlets I use to gather information.  It was not until the mid-2000s, when the Huffington Post was created. It was developed by Arianna Huffington, Kenneth Lerer, Andrew Breitbart, and Jonah Peretti. The content that the online news source covers are politics, business, entertainment, environment, technology, popular media, lifestyle, culture, comedy, healthy living, women’s interests, and local news. The layout of the website is very similar to many other online news sources. It has the top articles on the front page and links to other articles as well.

The top story is about the speech that Senator Ted Cruz recently performed. During the speech, Cruz said that he was not feeling confident about the repeal of Obamacare. He predicts the repeal will have to happen after the next election occurs in 2014. Cruz says, “Right now, [Senate Majority Leader] Harry Reid has 54 Democrats and they presumably are going to stand with him … and a number of Senate Republicans have expressed that they may support the Democrats here.”

The second article that I read was, “New FBI Director James Comey Expects Bureau’s Post-9/11 Transformation To Continue.” This article was discussed what the new FBI Director, James Comey, plans on doing now that he is the director. He said that he plans on continuing to put defense against terrorism as the FBI’s top priority. Also he stated that in the long-run, like by 2023, he wants the FBI to become another intelligence agency.

The last article that I read was “Heisman Trophy Watch: Johnny Manziel Still Strong Despite Alabama Loss.” The title pretty much describes what the article is about. The author claims that Johnny Manziel still has a chance of winning the Heisman Trophy despite losing last week’s game against the University of Alabama. Although Johnny Football is very talented, the Heisman Trophy is also about character and Johnny does not have good character.

The audience for this media outlet is most likely people from the age of 20 to 60 and are liberal. I do not like this media outlet because of all of the goofy articles and sections included in the website. Therefore, this media outlet does not appeal to me.