He said, she said- Friday

I read an article on the Lariat website called “BU to honor years at The Case.” It discussed the purpose and reasoning behind why Baylor Athletics is honoring past Baylor football players at every home game. There are a few quotes that from some of the key people involved in honoring the players that really give the reader a sense of what is happening and why. One of the quotes is from the director of Baylor Sports Network, Doug Fertsch, who said, “’We wanted to honor the teams and player s that have come before.” This quote really sums up the overall feeling that people have about past players. Fertsch went on to explain, “[the idea is] to commemorate previous players and say goodbye to The Case.” It is really a great honor, and many past players are showing up. Associate athletic director of the “B” Association, Walter Abercrombie, said, “Most of them [past players] want to be a part of this,” showing that honoring the players really means a lot. This quote really adds to the story, because it gives the reader confirmation on whether theses honors are actually appreciated by past players.

I wouldn’t want to be quoted in a newspaper, because I don’t want what I said to be taken the wrong way. Chances are that would happen.