Thursday-Huffington Post

I had heard of the Huffington Post before but I had never read anything from it until today, Thursday September 19, 2013. This news source is slightly different than the usual ones we read. It is more geared towards a younger adult population instead of business men and women. There are more topics that would be interesting to a young adult population such as comedy, technology, media, entertainment, and sports while still keeping the main topics, business and politics.

The main story on the front page was “Ted Cruz Digs Himself In Further On Obamacare: ‘Likely That It Will Take Another Election For A Full Repeal’”. Sen. Ted Cruz is not too pleased with his fellow republican’s actions toward a repeal of Obamacare. He would like the government to stop funding Obamacare all together, but other Senators are not as adamant about this plan as he is. Cruz says that “a full repeal of Obamacare doesn’t have a chance until at least after the 2014 elections.” He does not think that the people who are in office at the moment will push hard enough for the government to stop funds which will ultimately bring an end to Obamacare.

An interesting story was about a group of students from Ohio State University who were living in a house off campus when they started noticing strange things going on inside the house. They had joked with friends about there being a ghost in the house because they noticed the cabinets were left open or the microwave was left open. They searched throughout the house and found a door in the basement that was locked so they called the realtor to open it. When they walked inside they found out that another college student from Ohio State University had been living there secretly. There were pictures of him and his friends and family along with a bed, his belongings, and his textbooks. They left a note for him to contact them and when they got in touch they moved his stuff out. They since have changed the locks to the house.

Another interesting story was about how car company Tesla Motors is working on building self-driving cars. They are exploring the idea with Google about making cars that can drive by themselves. They plan to have this car ready in three years, although other car company’s say that a car like that would most likely be ready in 10 to 15 years. Mercedes and Nissan are also exploring making self-driving cars and having them on the market by the end of the decade. They want to build and program the car so it abides by traffic rules to meet insurance standards and to give drivers piece of mind that the car is safe. California Governor Jerry Brown passed a law last year allowing Tesla Motors to begin testing their self-driving cars on the road.