Good Writing Rules Search 9-18-13

The news source I looked up for a story was The Washington Post.  The story I choose related to the unfortunate event that happened on Monday in Washington.  It explains and questions some of the details that had happened below are some of the good writing rules the story exemplified.

First I noticed that the story uses short paragraphs throughout the story. (rule 7)  It makes it easy to read and follow what the writer is saying.

ex,  Alexis, a former Navy reservist who struggled with mental-health problems and other issues, used his secret-level clearance Monday to gain access to the secure Navy Yard compound, where he fatally shot a dozen people before being killed by police.

Second, I concluded that the writer got to the point quickly (rule 5) of what had happened and what was going to be discussed in the following paragraphs.  The writer does a good job of explaining who the person is and the significance of this person in a few short sentences.

Third, I noticed the story does not use complex words that would puzzle the reader.  Using short and easy words can help the reader understand what is going on.(rule 2)  Below the writer uses mental-health problems to describe the condition the man was in.  The writer could have used a much more advanced medical term.

ex, Alexis, a former Navy reservist who struggled with mental-health problems and other issues

Lastly, this news story did not contain unnecessary wordiness.  This particular story will have some big words because it deals with a national/governmental issue but those words are only used when needed.  The sentence below is short and does not contain a bunch of words that explain the writers point of the sentence.  This would apply to rules 1 and 3 in Good Writing.

ex, Many military officials also want to be careful not to dissuade those in need of help from seeking counseling