Wednesday-Good Writing Rules Search

Dallas Morning News

September 18, 2013

“Defund? Repeal? No, Gov. Rick Perry wants to “fix” Obamacare”, written by Todd J. Gillman, covers Perry’s plan to work with both political parties to fix the problems with Obamacare. As Obamacare is starting to take effect in some areas, people are starting to see that they are not receiving all the benefits they were told they would. The republican party would like to stop funds all together for this program, but Gov. Perry says that he would like to work together with both parties as they should and try to come to a conclusion on how to make this work better for the country.

This story uses short sentences. “Perry made clear that he’s no fan off that approach.”(Gillman) for example. This is referring to the republican party’s solution to stop funds for the program.

This story used short paragraphs.

“Adding the comment about lines in the sand, he said, “We’d like to see Congress work. We’d like to see Congress sit down and actually work together the way Democrats and Republicans do in Texas or probably even in Maryland. That would be an improvement in and of itself.””(Gillman)

“Perry cast himself as a Washington outsider in his 2012 bid for president. Presenting himself as above rancorous congressional politics fits that image.”(Gillman)

“Still, shunning the tea party’s hard-nosed defund/shutdown tactic is noteworthy.” (Gillman)

This story uses short words. “How exactly he would fix it, he didn’t say.”(Gillman) The writer could have used more complex wording but he wanted to make sure that his audience knew exactly what was being said.

This story also comes to the point quickly. This is represented in the second paragraph. “Still, it might come as a surprise that rather than push to defund the law, he’d rather tweak and improve it.”(Gillman) The writer summarized the whole story in one sentence in the second paragraph. The paragraphs following just add more detail to the story.