Washington Post: September 12, 2013

The name of the media outlet that I was assigned to read is The Washington Post. Millions of people around the country, including me, read The Washington Post today on September 12, 2013. I happened to read the Post online rather than the actual newspaper. Because, the online newspaper is constantly being updated, I was only able to read a few articles. The Washington Post is an American newspaper head quartered in Washington, D.C., and has been publishing breaking news for over a century. The Post is widely known for covering topics like politics, sports and international news.

Like the tangible newspaper, there is a front page filled with articles of the most popular news on the website. For today, the cover story on the front page is about the potential attack on Syria. The article says that if the current deal with Syria is not reached, The U.S. will be ready to strike an attack on them. President Obama called for a pause on the strike though, while the negotiation takes place. Syria announced that they would be willing to eliminate their chemical weapons, only if the U.S. quits threatening to attack them. I read another article that discussed the issues on Syria. This article states that the U.S. is currently reaching the Syrian rebels and providing them with weapons. The C.I.A. has found a way to deliver light weapons to the rebels to fight against their corrupt government. Lastly, I read an article in the business section of the website. The article announced that Twitter has filed for an initial public offering of stock. The IPO is expected to happen in the late part of this year or the beginning of next year.

I believe that The Washington Post has appealed to people between the age of 20-80 years old, employed and in the United States. The readers read the newspaper, because the news is likely to affect them in some way, whether it is about their favorite team or about a company’s IPO.  I am interested in this media outlet, but since I already read the Wall Street Journal and Fox News, I will most likely not read the Washington Post in the future.


