Washington Post: September 11, 2013

This week I will be writing about the September 11th edition of The Washington Post. Its first publication was released in 1877. The Washington Post gained high prestige for being published in the nation’s capitol. Due to its location, it covers the nation’s politics with more ease. It heavily covers politics, but being the major Washington DC publication, it covers a wide array of topics. The Post due to its high political coverage attracts people of a more educated and older demographic.

The first article I read was on the front page titled “DC Executive Linked to Secret 2008 Aid to Hillary Clinton.” In this article the author heavily discusses the new findings in the Jeffrey E. Thompson case. It has come to investigators attention that Mr. Thompson has donated a certain amount of funds to the Clinton campaign. These donations were made in the form of street teams that were sent around to help boost support in several states. According to the managers of the Clinton campaign, they had no idea that any of this was going on.

I feel like the author did a good job of portraying all sides of this story. It was unbiased from what I could tell. In addition to that- I did not finish reading with more questions than I had before. I actually had very few. I feel like the piece was well written.

The next piece I read was “Vegan Restauranteur’s Truck Aims to Make Prince George’s ‘Food Desert’ a Little Healthier.” I found this story to be very interesting. The author of this piece discusses the emerging topic of what a food desert is and how it affects the obesity rates around. The author portrays this through the Baruch Ben-Yehudah and his efforts to bring a healthy alternative to other establishments in Capitol Heights. The story was well done and incorporated differing opinions.

The next piece I read was “EPA to Revise Climate Rule for New Power Plants; Will Still Require Carbon Capture.” This article discusses the new standards that the EPA will propose. These standards with establish stricter pollution limits for gas-fired power plants than coal-fired power plants. These new standards will heavily restrict the greenhouse gas emissions. The writer did a good job of including the heads of the EPA under varying administrations. This eliminated it leaning from one way or another.

The Post is my favorite daily newspaper. I read it fairly regularly and it definitely resonates with me. I plan on reading it more in the future.



