Washington Post 9/12/13

I read the Washington Post on 9/12/13. The front page contained much about the Syrian crisis along with other political issues that are having a large effect in the government. This paper is definitely not one that younger readers would be able to understand; however, I think that this newspaper can relate to adults who are well educated. The Washington Post is a very well known daily newspaper as it has been around since 1877. It contains many different topics such as politics, local, sports, national, tech, and even world news.


Syria’s Assad says he will give up chemical weapons if U.S. ends strike threats: This front-page topic caught my eye because I’ve been keeping up with the issues relating Syria. It is scary that we have to worry about chemical warfare and that Syria’s government is basically taking over their people. Seeing as we are supplying weapons and supplies to the rebels trying to overthrow the government; it makes sense that we would be threatened. Dictatorships never work, and America must put a stop to Assad’s rule as he was just accused of authoring a poison-gas attack against innocent civilians that he claimed were a threat. The problem is that Syria claimed to not have possession of chemical warfare, which are banned by the Chemical Weapons Convention that Syria had agreed to. This convention has been agreed to and signed by almost every country in the world; so it is worrisome that Syria is not abiding to these standards. Obama tried to threaten to wage war, but the Congress said “no” which is very surprising because this is the first time in history that this has happened. It seems to me as if the majority of America’s would oppose the decision to declare war against Syria; so I believe it is a good thing that Congress did not allow the President to make such judgments.


“Apple’s iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C: Three ways the rumor mill got ahead of the tech giant”: The first topic that caught my eye was about the new iPhone that is coming out toward the end of September. The big thing that seems to happen is that when Apple are about to be releasing a new product; it seems as if everyone already knows some of the key features. The marketing chief even made a joke during his presentation saying that people probably already knew what he was going to show them. Apple is introducing an iPhone known as the iPhone 5C; which is significantly less due to a plastic backing, allowing those who might be on a tight budget to enjoy the benefits of having an iPhone. It was also interesting to see how much Apple would make from their products if they were looking to pickup more overseas market-share because of the steep price tags due to tariffs and taxes. Apple is not changing from its mindset of trying to improve their profit margins and lowering production costs, and by inventing cheap products such as the iPhone 5C, it will allow them even more profitability.


F-16 pilot was ready to give her life on Sept. 11: This story was an absolute amazing story of a female pilot who was about ready to give her life for the lives of others on September 11, 2001. Lieutenant Heather “Lucky” Penney was ordered to take down United Airlines Flight 93; however, she was not provided with live ammunition, missiles, or any sort of weapon to perform such an act. Instead, she was ordered to ram the aircraft and essentially become a kamikaze pilot. She describes the worry that if she happened to miss the target or if the ejection seat didn’t work that it could lead to her eventual death. Penney later figured out that United 93 had already crashed in Pennsylvania and that the passengers had taken the situation into their own hands. Penny even calls the passengers on Flight 93 the real heroes of 9/11 as they saved the White House from potentially being hit. This story gives us some insight into the emotions and thoughts that these heroes go through when they are ordered to do certain tasks and missions.








The Washington Post was a very interesting newspaper to read; however, it was not particularly one that I enjoyed. I feel as if most of their topics dealt with politics; which isn’t particularly an area of news that I enjoy. It was good that they mixed other genres of topics along with their political issues; however, I feel as if their main focus was on politics and their sports section was not one that I enjoyed. Overall, it was a well written newspaper and I would probably read it again to check up on politics if I was ever bored or interested in a certain political issue.