Media Post 2

Washington Post

September 12, 2013

This news outlet covers a variety of topics ranging from heath care to business, travel to politics, and many more. Its main audience is adults who read this magazine to keep up with daily news worldwide. It reaches out to many people who have different interests.

One top story was “Mayor Gray vetoes ‘living wage’ bill aimed at Wal-Mart, setting up decisive council vote” by Mike DeBonis. In this article DeBonis explains how Washington DC Mayor Gray fights to pass a bill for higher wages and salaries for large retail employees. He wants to force these large retailers to pay their employees what he calls a “super-minimum wage” that would increase their annual salary from about $17,000 to about $24,000. Not many people are on board with this idea though because it is causing many large retailers to back out of their contracts to open up stores in the DC area. Wal-Mart, for one, is not happy with this bill and said if the bill was passed they would only continue building three out of the six stores they had originally planned to open in the area. Although the bill is “good news for D.C. residents” says Wal-Mart spokesman Steve Restivo, city council members are afraid that if the bill is passed and retailers choose to leave, the economy will not be as prosperous as they had hoped and they will not be able to open as many jobs as they had hoped. As of right now large retailers such as Wal-Mart are hoping that the bill gets an override vote and that they can continue to operate as they had planned.


An interesting story was “Hawaii expects thousands of fish to die after molasses spill; Honolulu harbor turning brown” by Associated Press. This article covers the molasses spill that is killing thousands of fish in Honolulu. The spill was caused by a leaky pipe which allowed 1,400 tons of molasses spill into the water and destroy the marine habitat. The molasses makes the water thick and murky which makes it hard for the fish to breathe. The state Department of Health is collecting the fish as they are dying and reported to have collected hundreds so far and are expecting thousands more to die. The Department of Health is also warning people to stay away from the water because of large predators, sharks and barracudas, which will most likely invade the area because of all the dead fish. It is expected for the water to remain dark and murky for weeks until the currents wash away the spilled molasses out into the sea. The state of Hawaii could sue Matson Navigation Co. for violating the Clean Water Act if there is evidence against them. Matson is working to make sure spills like this do not happen in the future.

Another interesting articles was “Florida pastor arrested before he could burn 2,998 Qurans on anniversary of 9/11 attacks” by Associated Press. A Florida pastor drove to a nearby park with almost 3,000 Qurans to burn, one for every victim of the 9/11 attack. Polk County law enforcement arrested Pastor Terry Jones and his associate on felony charges when he drove up with a barbeque grill filled with lighter fluid-soaked Qurans. In 2010 Jones drew attention to himself when he planned to burn a Quran on 9/11 but he never actually did it, although he and his congregation burned a Muslim holy book and supported an anti-Muslim film, all of which started violent riots in the Middle East. The U.S. military has asked him to not stage protests because it puts American soldiers in danger overseas, but Jones refuses to listen.