Attack on Syria

Today, the Washington Post has some great articles on the Syria attack, and it seemed like this was the most common storyline. On September 11, I evaluated these articles because of the terrorist attacks on New York. I felt like it was a story that related. Today’s article was about Obama’s decision to try and educate America on the destruction that chemical weapons can have on a country. Chemical weapons have been banned in wars, only to be used by ruthless dictators, and most notably Adolf Hitler. But, today we are in the middle of an international crisis, when the Syrian President used weapons on the Syrian rebels.

Obama’s stance is the same stance he used during the shootings in Newton, Conn. He uses the illustration of a father trying to protect his son from damaging gases that the Syrian President, Bashar al-Asaa, used to kill 1,400 people. President Obama wants to speak to the heart of the American people, most notably fathers and mothers. He agrees that attacking Syria is the right stance, but he uses the idea of freedom and liberty to understand the effect that chemical weapons would have on Syria. He wants people to realize the hurt that it would bring, and he uses the illustrations to connect with the American people.

In another article titled “Obama’s war-and diplomacy appeal on Syria presents fresh risks to administration,” the president wants to give diplomacy a chance. He has retracted from his original plans on attacking. The story is about President Obama trying to use diplomatic efforts to get President Bashar al-Assad to hand over his chemicals weapons in exchange for not attacking on Syria. He had to change his efforts because of the overwhelming opposition to his original plan of attack. In another article, “Obama takes Syria case to the public in White House address,” he explains how diplomacy might not prevail in this certain case. He believes that America has the responsibility to react to use of chemical weapons and connects it to his speech about killing innocent children. He believes our leadership of the world is at stake if we do not respond.

I think this media outlet appeals to families, more importantly fathers and mothers, and that they are at risk. He said the United States is at no risk of a Syrian attack. But, it also appeals to the countries that are trying to back the U.S. as well as Syria because they are the most at stake. I believe it did appeal to me because I want to learn more about political affairs. I think its smart for the youth to understand diplomatic affairs and the steps that go are involved with that.

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About CJ

I am a Sophomore at Baylor University currently studying business. I plan to major in Entrepreneurial Management for the opportunity to hopefully own my own business. I am from the Natural State, the state many people call Arkansas, I lived in the capital, which is Little Rock and have nothing but great memories. Being in college would definitely be something I could consider an interest because the opportunities are limitless.