The New York Times, September 3, 2013

I got to read the New York Times this week. I read the September 3 edition. The New York Times is a daily newspaper that is distributed all around the U.S., and is probably the most well-known newspaper in the nation. It covers a wide array of topics from world news and business to sports and entertainment.
The top story that I read was “Dreams, but Little Consensus, for a New Detroit.” This article talked about how Detroit is a city that is in very bad condition. It has a long way to go to become a thriving city once more. Many of the neighborhoods are filled with empty houses and lots that are wasting away. Some people believe that Detroit can make a comeback, while others are skeptical.
I like to read about sports, so I decided to look in the Sports section, and one article I caught my eye. That article was, “Federer Tumbles to Earliest Exit in 10 Years.” I am a pretty big Roger Federer fan, so to hear about him losing really hurt. I even have his autograph!
As a business student I am obviously interested in reading about business news, especially stock markets, so I perused the Business section. The article that got my attention was, “Factory Data Sends Market Up.” This article was short, but the main point I got from it is that stocks increased when it was reported that manufacturing activity reportedly increased. Stocks rose in multiple countries, including Italy and Spain, which are two countries that are focal points of Europe’s debt crisis.
I believe this outlet, The New York Times, is meant for mature audiences with different interests. When I say “mature,” I mean people who prefer to read newspapers and professionally written material versus blogs and little articles found on other websites or in magazines. Interests that the audience would have are: national, international news, business, sports, and entertainment news. I think that these reasons are the why The New York Times appeals to the more mature audiences.
The New York Times appealed to me, because I know that it is a widely used newspaper. For this reason, I believe that it is generally a factually correct outlet, and it would not purposefully stray its audience.