The New York Times 5/9/13

The New York Times is an American daily newspaper and is the most popular news site.  It has been around since 1851 and is circulated throughout the United States.  It covers all kinds of news, local, global, political, business, sports and most things in between.

Obama Faces Barrier in His Own Party on Syria.  President Obama finds himself in a new situation with Syria.  After running on an anti-war platform with regard to the middle east, he has gone against that and asked congress for permission to use military force in Syria.  The core of Obama’s supporters were against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and are reluctant to vote for another unpredictable conflict in the middle east.  Democrats in the senate want to be loyal to the current administration, but also are there to speak for the people they represent.  And the people are saying “no” to another middle east war.  This contradiction is making it difficult for the Democrats to come to grips with a decision, and are a major barrier to Obama’s plan to strike Syria.  Some do believe the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad should be punished because of accusations that his own forces used chemical weapons on civilians.  Some feel it is their duty to not divert anymore resources away from the people who elected them and need them. Some hard work still remains for President Obama to get approval for his plan of military action against Syria in his own party.

In Giants’ Openers Against Dallas, Results are Sour (for a Week, Anyway)

This title caught my eye because football season is about to kickoff and the headline had the Dallas Cowboys in it.  The story discusses the history of season openers between the Cowboys and Giants. The history was not too kind to the Giants, with Dallas winning all five previous matchups.  The games were usually dramatic and memorable, and each one ended in a Dallas victory.  The story goes on to point out that the season-opening losses to the Cowboys hasn’t been too terrible of a thing, because two of those times, the Giants went on to win the Super Bowl.

E-Cigarette Use Doubles among Students, Survey Shows

The amount of middle and high school kids who have tried an E-Cigarette has doubled. I saw these when I was in high school starting to become somewhat popular so this story interested me. They are promoted as a healthy alternative to traditional cigarettes, but are not regulated by the FDA.  The fear is the unknown long-term effects and the popularity among kids.  While most agree that it is a much safer alternative to traditional cigarettes, it is reaching more kids and could become a gateway to smoking traditional cigarettes.

The New York Times appeals to a large number of Americans, as shown by its popularity.  I think it is targeted at educated individuals 18 and older who want to know the major stories going on in the U.S. and the world.  This paper does appeal to me and I enjoyed reading it, especially the top story. It was well written and informative. It only gave the outlook of the Democrats in this particular story but it was on purpose and understood.  The story was about the Democrats reaction to the Syria conflict and their struggles with it.  It gave different perspectives and different angles to look through. Overall I enjoyed reading the New York Times and would do so again.