Media Blog post 9/5

Hello again! Today we go back in time before there were cell phones or tablets to gain media knowledge.  We travel back to the age of using the good old-fashioned newspaper. I was given a New York Times the other day in paper form which I have honestly not seen in years. The New York Times for those of you who don’t read newspaper or news at all; it is a paper filled with many of different categories that give news on just about anything going on in todays society. If you are looking for business, international, or technology news this is the right place for you because it contains all of that and is right in the midst of all the action.

Being given this newspaper in class on September 3, 2013, I wondered where you could even find this anymore besides on the street in New York. I opened it and began to read about CBS and its debates with Time Warner Cable about increasing fees and then not allowing Time Warner to play the CBS channel until things were resolved. Both of these companies took about a month to come to agreement on what company would get what rights and how much would pay the other. This long dispute caused pain to millions of viewers on Time Warner with the lack of the number one news station in the nation and the also, separately paid for, Showtime movie channel. When all was said in done Time Warner’s cable chairman said that they “ended up in a much better place than when we started”.

There are many disputes going on today in the world some domestic like the Time Warner and CBS, but there are also very important foreign ones that should not be left out of the light either. There is growing hostility today towards the Middle East in Syria and Iran with the United States deciding on what military action it should take. (Pg. A6) Also, with that the United States has engaged in talking with the Russian government about what should be done to solve the crisis in Syria. President Obama did not have any intentions last year of bombing and now is second-guessing himself on what should be done since Syria is allies with the Russian government. He will meet this week in St. Petersburg, Russia to converse about the issues at hand. (Pg. A8)

This is not something that should be taken lightly and also does not appeal to all ages. All, mainly the older generations, should understand it because they will be affected largely by it. This is because it could potentially cause another war that would leave those of older and younger age to take charge in American society to keep the homeland up and running in a positive direction.

This media appealed to me due to the fact that this is an issue that could shape the way of the world for years to come. Being in the prime age for military recruitment you cant help, but stay up to date on something that could have the magnitude of that.


Austin L.