Hello JOU 3372!

Hello JOU-3372! My name is Bolton Boone and I’m taking this class in order to avoid another foreign language class. This is my first time blogging so hopefully this will all go okay.

Well to start off, I’m an MIS major from Sugar Land, TX. I have one brother named Connor who is a senior in high school and two half-sisters named Blair and Christie who both live in the Dallas area. My dad is a surgeon and my mom is a stay at home mom. Family means a lot to me and it’s always sad leaving them to head back to school, but I also think it helps because it makes going home just that much more exciting.
I honestly don’t watch too much news but when I do it’s almost always sports related as I’ve played sports all throughout my life. I only played basketball in high school but I played pretty much every sport as a kid so I’d like to think of myself as pretty educated when it comes to sports. I absolutely love watching draft picks as it is cool to see who teams pick and how they think they will perform with their new players. Due to this I mainly only use ESPN mobile, ESPN.com, and also I read from BleacherReport (a sports magazine on the Internet.) The only time I really ever watch news is for the big issues and that is very rare for me to do. When I do come across some kind of big news I tend to flip the channel to Fox.
Well I guess that’s about it for my first blog post and hopefully they will get better with time. Thanks for reading!