Weekly media blog post



The media outlet I chose this week for my media blog post was my hometown paper the Brainerd Daily Dispatch. It is a small paper that covers mostly local and state news and sometimes-national news, but not very often. It is located in the beautiful city of Brainerd, Minnesota. The population of the town is 10,000 people. So it’s a small town city in a small community.


The top story of the week was how there is 30 retirements expected for Brainerd School District. It talked about there being 30 school district employees are retiring that compiled over 800 years of experience that is walking out of the door in the district, because they are retiring. It talks about the employees experience and also their years of commitment to the school district. It goes over how the school board will be looking over at how to replace the members. Bob Nystrom the treasurer of the board was absent at the meeting that they went over what jobs that were going to be replaced and that they were looking for replacements.

The first article that caught my interest was one talking about the Selling of skateboard jumps to the local ski resort . It talked about how the local ski resort bought all of the skateboard jumps from the local skate park for $1. It talked about how it the park had paid over $100,000 a few years ago. But now because of the recent downturn in the economy, the park could not keep up with the maintenance and the constant cost of trying to clean up from the local vandalism.

The next article I found was talking about, Snowmobilers from across state gather in Brainerd Lakes. The article talked about 300 snowmobilers from around the state gathered at a resort in Brainerd and the group would snowmobile around the trails in the community. It talks about how the trails in Brainerd are the most pristine snowmobile trails in the world. The article also talks about having a youth movement to have kids get more into snowmobiling young. In the article it talks about how snowmobiling is a lifestyle, talking about the feeling you get suiting up and getting ready to go snowmobiling.


I feel that the audience for this paper is everyone in the community. In this community it really relies on the Brainerd Dispatch for their daily news. This media outlet appeals to me, I grew up reading this paper and I still read it almost every day, for information about my local town.


-Will Nystrom