Baylor Students on the Keystone Pipeline

Question: Are you for or against the Keystone Pipeline XL and why?

“I am definitely for it. I think it will bring jobs. It is going to cost a lot of money, but it is going to make a lot of money as well and it’s something that we definitely need right now.”                –       Christopher Duncan, senior
“I am for it because I think it would help out the economy by bringing in jobs and having a minimal effect on the environment.”      –       Kirstyn Dominy, junior
“I’m against it because American could supply itself with oil instead of depending on foreign oil.”-       Sean Van Winkle, freshman
“I am for it because we are bringing in oil from sources that are not America.”-       Rob Jochetz, senior
“I am for it because it encourages growth of the United States economy and industry.”-       William Sealy, freshman
“I’m a proponent of it, if it will help to limit the amount of oil we have to import from the Middle East.”-       Chase Wiley, senior