Introduction/News Sources

Hello all,

My name is Ben Van Sickle. I am currently a senior by age and a junior by hours. I started out my freshman year as a political science major and then changed over to the business school after the first semester of my sophomore year. I was born in Fort Worth, Texas and I have a lot of family there. My family moved to Nashville, Tennessee when I was in 1st grade and then back to Texas once I was in 5th grade. My family now resides in a town about four hours directly south of Waco called Victoria, Texas. Both of my parents graduated from Baylor University. I have a younger brother who attends Texas A&M (he wasn’t able to see the light) and then another brother in 8th grade.

As far as my news interests are concerned, I enjoy reading different columns dealing with politics and sports. Some of the sources are covering what is happening in Washington DC on a daily basis. I know it is not for everyone, but I find it extremely interesting and entertaining. My political reads include:

One issue I have with news in this area is how over dramatized many stories seem to be. In recent months, I have taken a break from reading these stories for that very reason. I still try to keep up with some news here and there though.

Even though I have moved around a little, I have continued to be a fan of sports in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Most of my sports sources are based around here or Baylor: