Tagged: warning

Luke 3:7-18

This text is used for the Lectionary Year C on December 13, 2015.

a3“You brood of vipers!”

What pastor has the courage, or probably more likely the foolishness, to proclaim this from the pulpit? I might try it for a dramatic entrance, but I am likely not going to be so bold as to actually back that abrupt intro with the exhortation fervor of John the Baptist. Perhaps I might let John’s words echo in the room for a moment, before softening their effect by redirecting them to John’s audience rather than my own.

John takes no such soft approaches, and it makes the exhortative words quite confrontational to our ears just over two weeks before Christmas. This passage flies in the face of the Joy theme of the third week of Advent.

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Luke 21:25-36

This text is used for the Lectionary Year C on November 29, 2015.

a1My oldest son and I walked into a home improvement store in September and were confronted by the first of the signs of Christmas’ distant arrival, a giant air filled Santa greeted us at the front door. Halloween decorations were side by side with Christmas decorations.

Our American culture is skilled at anticipating Christmas. This is not a skill that is lacking. We so engorge ourselves on Christmas spirit that we are bloated with the stress of the season, and nearly sick of Christmas music by the time the twelve days of the Christmas season actually arrive. All anticipating the arrival of Santa… er, Baby Jesus.

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