Tagged: feeding 5000

John 6:1-21

This text is used for the Lectionary Year B on July 26, 2015.

Hermano León Clipart
Hermano León Clipart

The focus of 6:1-21 revolves around two signs, feeding of the 5,000 (6:1-15) and walking on water (6:16-21).  Both of these occur in the context of the nearness of the Passover (v. 4).  This festival allusion is significant because these two signs highlight eating and water, both of which are critical elements in the celebration of the Passover.  The Passover centers on a meal representing God’s liberation of the Israelites via the water of the Red Sea.

These two signs are signs number four and five out of seven signs that occur in John between chapters 2 through 11. The themes and motifs contained in these verses echo previous episodes and anticipate coming events.  For the writer of John, signs point beyond themselves to something greater.  That something greater is Jesus send from God.  Unfortunately, often when individuals or groups in John encounter signs they become preoccupied with the miracle itself and miss the Sign-Maker.  In both instances of Jesus’ signs in 6:1-21, the crowds and the disciples miss the implications.

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