Tagged: dependance

Luke 12:32-40

This text is used for the Lectionary Year C on August 7, 2016.

Hermano Leon
Hermano Leon

The combination of these passages is interesting.  At first reading, two seemingly distinct messages are being presented. Verses 32 through 34 instruct the disciples to sell all they have and pursue the unfailing treasure in heaven.  In a dramatic shift in message, verses 35 through 40 compel the disciples to be prepared for the Son of Man’s coming. Broadening this reading to include additional verses before and after in order to break this part of Chapter 12 into two more thematic sections seems logical.

The first thematic section would instruct the disciples to sell all they have and invite the audience to hear Jesus’ teaching on worry.  Verses 22 through 31 would invite the audience to hear Jesus’ teaching on God’s provision and the call to seek God’s kingdom rather than to chase what they hold in their hands. This passage would serve as a natural context for verses 32 through 34.  The second thematic section would be verse 35 through 48. This section would begin with Jesus’ call in verses 35 through 40 to be prepared. Verses 42 through 48 reveal Peter’s question and Jesus’ response, which clarifies Jesus’ call to wait in expectation and faithfulness. These additional verses further elevate the call for the servants to not only be prepared for the master’s coming, but also be a steward of the master’s wishes.

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