favorite apps and conversation

this morning, a few of us met for a and informal and delightful conversation about all kinds of cool stuff. here’s a quick review of what we discussed at this morning’s zombie/magpie incubator confab:

we talked a little about . . .

interest in gathering, sharing ideas, sparking, rejuvenating, technology, teaching, and getting together on a regular basis, about what exactly this gathering is or isn’t but everyone seemed comfortable with the murky mystery and not trying to hem it in or put a fence around it. (I liked stephen’s description – “sort of like a book club for other stuff.”)

we talked about Apple’s recent iBooks/iTunesU/texbooks announcement:

huffingtonpost article

techland article

about how favorite apps differed sometimes depending on the platform you’re talking about (some stuff that we’d definitely want on our phone, but not on iPad or vice versa)

while there was a lot of fave app discussion flying around, here are the one I was able to capture from the fray!

in the category of productivity and tools:

robust and customizable alerts, alarms, pop-ups, snoozes, etc.

old school meets new school, budgeting app using virtual envelopes for your funds

genius scan app for scanning docs on the go, email as jpg or odf

on demand streaming of 5,000+ podcasts and radio shows instead of downloading

mocha telnet
use your iphone or ipad to access telnet servers and run terminal windows

remember everything (notes, photos, to-do-lists, voice notes, etc) synced across all your devices and searchable

dragon dictation
user-friendly (and very accurate!) voice recognition app instantly converts to text that you can output directly to social media networks or email

clean and easy holding bin / virtual scrapbook for voice memos, text, photos, music, websites, etc.backup/sync with dropbox and evernote, one touch social media share

slot machine meets concierge for restaurant suggestions, organized by price, neighborhood, type of food

helps identify nearby banks, gas, hospitals, theaters, restaurants, markets, etc. with distance and maps

for calculating the tip or splitting a bill between multiple people

and the cateogry of mental break/entertainment must haves:

words with friends

onion magic answer ball

FS5 hockey

tiny tower

tiny defense

today’s wordcloud:

Wordle: fave apps discussion

morning commute shuffle and reflections 9/7/11

“Aganju (Latin Project Remix Edit)”
Bebel Gilberto
Six Feet Under [soundtrack], vol. 2: Everything Ends

One of the best television series on record. Unfortunately this soundtrack doesn’t include any of composer Thomas Newman’s contributions to the show, who “won a 2002 Emmy Award for Outstanding Main Title Theme Music and two Grammy Awards in 2003 for Best Instrumental Composition and Best Instrumental Arrangement.” (wikipedia)

“Hard to Make a Stand”
Sheryl Crow
Sheryl Crow

While this song came out in the mid 90s, I don’t think I’ve ever paid any attention to the lyrics before today (I know, that’s really sad and probably says something about me as a person), but there are a couple lines that caught my attention today and perhaps warrant further contemplation. The first is: “We got loud guitars and big suspicions, / Great big guns and small ambitions, / And we still argue over who is God. . .”  There’s a lot here, perhaps something telling and condemning about national policy or maybe just about our individual approach to life. And then the sad, but seemingly eternal inability to recognize the creator in the world around us, in ourselves, and in our neighbors. When will we learn that God is much bigger than we can box up or regulate? A recurring theme in the song is first expressed this way:
“If I’m not here, then you’re not here”
And he says, “Call me Miscreation,
I’m a walking celebration.”

How often do we view others and ourselves as “miscreation” instead of “celebration.” What does the creator think/feel when we make that judgment? What does it mean for us to dismiss? What celebrations do we miss out on or worse, destroy in this way?

James McMurtry
Too Long in the Wasteland

I love the haunting tune and vocals of this song and it’s been wafting through my mind all morning. This song reminds me of the fuzziness of life, the co-mingling of the bright and dark spots, and in many ways, their inseparability.

I remember the day I discovered McMurtry and this album (at Sound Warehouse in Waco, TX) in the late 1980s…yes, i’ve been in this town for that long!). Speaking of that, I noticed a line in the song “Angeline” that was fitting and made me smile: “…Outside of a small town where I didn’t mean to settle down…” While I never intended to settle down in this small town when I arrived twenty five years ago, more than half my life has now been spent here and I like it. Sure, it has it’s faults, but so do the bigger, more exciting, more this more that “towns.” I always joke that this town is, for me at least, like the line from the Eagles’ song “Hotel California”: “…you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.” But to let you in on a little secret, I really like it here.

“I’m So Lonesome”
Cowboy Junkies
The Trinity Sessions 

 Discovered this recording on CASSETTE! thanks to my good friend Dale Connally while traveling to (or from? can’t recall) an amazing experience where we spent a week backpacking through the Grand Canyon, more than twenty years ago.


commute shuffle 9/2/11

New Favorite
Alison Krauss + Union Station
New Favorite

if i had to take the recordings of only one artist with me on a deserted island (that had electricty!) i think it might be Alison Krauss’s stuff.

Jim Cullum
Deep River

Long Long Journey

i know, i know…

Garden of Delights
Lisa Loeb and Nine Stories

Goddess, I Know You
The Spin
The Goddess of Love


interesting story about the above band…i played in the baylor jazz ensemble with one of the band members (25 years ago….eeek!) and Ann dated another member of the band in high school and in college!

Fate Day By Day
mieka pauley
Elijah Drop Your Gun

not even sure how this got on my iPod! 





morning commute tune shuffle

This morning’s drive into work included the following tunes:

Bela Fleck and Edgar Meyer: “Canon” (from the album Music for Two

Innocence Mission: “Keeping Awake” (from the album Glow)

Thomas Newman: “Pelicans” (from the soundtrack album Finding Nemo)

Sterling Jubilee Singers: “Ever time I Try to Do My Best” (from the album Jesus Hits Like the Atom Bomb)