Musical Friendships

On my commute this morning, I was shuffling tunes and realized that many of the tunes I was hearing were recommended to me by friends through the years. Based on the songs that came my way this morning, here’s a tribute / thanks to the people who made the world a little brighter by introducing me these bands. I’m sure there are many more of you who’ve improved my life by music you’ve shared, but these are the tunes that showed up today.

Bill Hair -> First Aid Kit
Deanna Toten-Bear -> Dry the River
David Burns -> Alabama Shakes
Juli Royster -> Patty Griffin
Ellen Filgo -> Over the Rhine
Stephen Bolech -> Death Cab for Cutie
and my blast from the past tribute: to Dale Connally for introducing me to Cowboy Junkies (on cassette tape!) while on a roadtrip to the Grand Canyon some 25 years ago!

Thank you for enriching my experience, both with your friendship and your music.

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