On Running, Changing Goals, Foolishness, and Determination

So yesterday I set out to run 4 miles, then decided I could do 6 or maybe 8. I was feeling good and my run took me toward Cameron Park. Then I figured, “why not turn this into a trail run?” (so I started down the River Trail in Cameron Park). Somewhere on this trail I got more energized and decided to make it an even 10 miles. The next thing I know, I’ve reached the end of the trail where it dumps out at McLennan Community College. From that point I thought, “If I just run a mile and a half more, it would make my run 13 miles (assuming I could make it home!) I’ve been training for a 1/2 marathon, shooting for running it in late Fall or early Spring, but the farthest I’d ever run before in a single run was 6.5 miles. I expected to eventually run a half marathon, in the future, at an official event (where the adrenaline and crowd would carry me along), with refueling stations, etc. I didn’t expect to end up doing it by myself, partly as a trail run, and on a whim — when I actually set out to just run 4 miles! Of course I’m hobbling around today like an old man, but at least I get to take it easy and not run today!

map of my run

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