Patents & Publications


  1. Y. Adonyi, S. Kim, A. Worcester, and I. Glumac, “A method for joining two dissimilar materials and a microwave system for accomplishing the same,” U.S. Patent No. 9,374,853 (2016)
  2. Y. Lin, G. P. Nordin, and S. Kim, “Shared Slab AWG Circuits and Systems,” U.S. Patent No. 7,876,986 (2011).
  3. G. P. Nordin, Y. Lin, and S. Kim, “Ultra-Compact Planar AWG Circuits and Systems,” U.S. Patent No. 7,492,988 (2009).
  4. G. P. Nordin, S. Kim, J. Cai, and J. Jiang, “Waveguide Including at Least One Photonic Crystal Region for Directing Signals Propagating Therethrough,” U.S. Patent No. 6,804,446 (2004).

Journal Papers

  1. S. Smith, M. Sypabekova, S. Kim, “Double-Sided Tape in Microfluidics: A Cost-Effective Method in Device Fabrication,” Biosensors 14, 249 (2024).
  2. M. Sypabekova, A. Hagemann, J. Kleiss, C. Morlan, and S. Kim, “Optimizing an Optical Cavity-Based Biosensor for Enhanced Sensitivity,” in IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 23, no. 21, pp. 25911-25918, Nov.1, 2023, doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2023.3317678.
  3. M. Sypabekova, A. Hagemann, D. Rho, and S. Kim, “Review: 3-Aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES) Deposition Methods on Oxide Surfaces in Solution and Vapor Phases for Biosensing Applications,” Biosensors 13, 36 (2023).
  4. Cheon J. and Kim S. Fabrication and Demonstration of a 3D-printing/PDMS Integrated Microfluidic Device. Recent Progress in Materials 4(1),13 (2022); doi:10.21926/rpm.2201002.
  5. D. Rho and S. Kim, “Demonstration of a Label-Free and Low-Cost Optical Cavity-Based Biosensor Using Streptavidin and C-Reactive Protein,” Biosensors, 11(1), 4 (2021).
  6. D. Rho, C. Breaux, S. Kim, “Label-Free Optical Resonator-Based Biosensors,” Sensors, 20 (20), 5901 (2020).
  7. J. Lichtenberg, Y. Ling, S. Kim, “Numerical Analysis of a Trapezoidal Microchannel for Hydrodynamic Detachment of Cells,” IJEAT, 9 (4), 1473-1477 (2020).
  8. J. Cheon and S. Kim, “Intermediate layer-based bonding techniques for PDMS/DLP 3D-printed microfluidic devices,” J. Micromech. Microeng. 29 (9), 095005 (2019).
  9. J. Lichtenberg, Y. Ling, and S. Kim, “Non-Specific Adsorption Reduction Methods in Biosensing,” Sensors,19 (11), 2488 (2019). (selected as the cover story)
  10. D. Rho, C. Breaux, and S. Kim, “Demonstration of a low-cost and portable optical cavity-based sensor through refractive index measurements,” Sensors, 19 (9), 2193 (2019).
  11. D. Rho and S. Kim, “Label-free real-time detection of biotinylated bovine serum albumin using a low-cost optical cavity-based biosensor,” Opt. Express,26 (15), 18982-18989 (2018).
  12. D. Rho and S. Kim, “Low-cost optical cavity based sensor with a large dynamic range,” Opt. Express 25, 11244-11253 (2017). [Link]
  13. D. Hoyt, Y. Adonyi, and S. Kim, “Microwave Joining — Part 1: Closed Loop Controlled Microwave Soldering of Lead Telluride to Copper,” Welding Journal, vol. 95, pp. 141s-145s (April, 2016). (
  14. B. Haslam, L.-F. Tsai, R. R. Anderson, S. Kim, W. Hu, and G. P. Nordin, “Microfluidic reflow pumps,” Biomicrofluidics 9, 044104 (2015). (
  15. S. Ness, R. R. Anderson, W. Hu, D. C. Richards, J. Oxborrow, T. Gustafson, B. Tsai, S. Kim, B. Mazzeo, A. Woolley, and G. P. Nordin, “Weak Adsorption-Induced Surface Stress for Streptavidin Binding to Biotin Tethered to Silicon Microcantilever Arrays,” Sensors Journal, IEEE, vol.13, no.3, pp.959-968 (2013). (
  16. J. Ness, S. Kim, A. T. Woolley, and G. P. Nordin, “Single-sided inkjet functionalization of silicon photonic microcantilevers,” Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 161 (1), 80-87 (2012). (
  17. L. Tsai, W. C. Dahlquist, S. Kim, and G. P. Nordin,” Bonding of polydimethylsiloxane microfluidics to silicon-based sensors,” J. Micro/Nanolith. MEMS MOEMS, 10(4), 043009 (2011). (
  18. S. Kim, T. Gustafson, D. C. Richards, W. Hu, and G. P. Nordin, “Microcantilever deflection compensation with focused ion beam exposure,” J. Micromech. Microeng. 21, 085007 (2011). (
  19. R. Anderson, W. Hu, J. W. Noh, W. C. Dahlquist, S. J. Ness, T. M. Gustafson, D. C. Richards, S. Kim, B. A. Mazzeo, A. T. Woolley and G. P. Nordin, “Transient deflection response in microcantilever array integrated with polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) microfluidics,” Lab Chip,11, 2088-2096 (2011). (
  20. W. Noh, R. Anderson, S. Kim, W. Hu, and G. P. Nordin, “Sensitivity enhancement of differential splitter-based transduction for photonic microcantilever arrays,” Nanotechnology, 21, 155501 (2010). (
  21. Y. Qian, S. Kim, J. Song, W. Hu, G. L. Wojcik, and G. P. Nordin, “Compact Trench-Based SOI Rib Waveguide RingResonator with Large Free Spectral Range,” Opt. Eng., 48(12), 124602 (2009). (
  22. W. Noh, R. Anderson, S. Kim, W. Hu, and G. P. Nordin, “In-plane all-photonic transduction with differential splitter using double-step rib waveguide for photonic microcantilever arrays,” Opt. Express17, 20012-20020 (2009). (
  23. W. Hu, R. Anderson, Y. Qian, J. Song, J. W. Noh, S. Kim, and G. P. Nordin, “Demonstration of microcantilever array with simultaneous readout using an in-plane photonic transduction method,” Rev. Sci. Instrum. 80(8), 085101-7 (2009). (
  24. Y. Lin, S. Kim, G. P. Nordin, C. Topping, D. W. Smith, and J. Ballato, “Ultracompact AWG using air-trench bends with perfluorocyclobutyl polymer waveguides,” IEEE J. Lightwave technol. 26(17), 3062-3070 (2008). (
  25. J. W. Noh, R. Anderson, S. Kim, J. Cardenas, and G. P. Nordin, “In-plane photonic transduction of silicon-on-insulator microcantilevers,” Opt. Express 16, 12114-12123 (2008). (
  26. Y. Qian, J. Song, S. Kim, W. Hu, and G. P. Nordin, “Compact waveguide splitter networks,” Opt. Express 16, 4981-4990 (2008). (
  27. N. Rahmanian, S. Kim, and G. P. Nordin, “Air-trench Splitters for Ultra-Compact Ring Resonators in Low Refractive Index Contrast Waveguides,” Opt. Express , 16(1), 456-465 (2008). (
  28. Y. Qian, J. Song, S. Kim, and G. P. Nordin, “Compact 90° trench-based splitter for silicon-on-insulator rib waveguides,” Opt. Express, 15(25), 16712-16718 (2007). (
  29. Y. Lin, J. Cardenas, S. Kim, and G. P. Nordin, “Reduced loss through improved fabrication for single air interface bends in polymer waveguides,” Opt. Express, 14(26), 12803-12813 (2006). (
  30. N. Rahmanian, S. Kim, and G. P. Nordin, “Anisotropic high aspect ratio etch development for fluorinated polymers with stress relief technique,” J. Vac. Soc. Techn. B, 24(6) 2572-2577 (2006). (
  31. Y. Qian, S. Kim, J. Song, and G. P. Nordin, “Compact and low loss silicon-on-insulator ridge waveguide 90° Bend,” Opt. Express, 14(13), 6020-6028 (2006). (
  32. S. Kim, J. Jiang, and G. P. Nordin, “Design of compact ring resonator and Mach-Zender interferometer with air trenches,” Opt. Eng., 45(5), 054602 (2006). (
  33. J. Cardenas, L. Li, S. Kim, and G. P. Nordin, “Compact low loss single air interface bends in polymer waveguides,” Opt. Express, 12(22), 5314-5324 (2004). (
  34. S. Kim, G. P. Nordin, J. Jiang, and J. Cai, “Micro-genetic algorithm design of hybrid conventional waveguide and photonic crystal structures,” Opt. Eng., 43(9), 2143-2149 (2004). (
  35. S. Kim, G. P. Nordin, J. Jiang, and J. Cai, “High efficiency 90 degree silica waveguide bend using an air hole photonic crystal region,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., 16(8), 1846-1848 (2004). (
  36. J. Cai, G. P. Nordin, S. Kim, and J. Jiang, “Three dimensional analysis of hybrid photonic crystal-conventional waveguide 90° bend,” Appl. Opt., 43(21), 4244-4249 (2004). (
  37. S. Kim,  J. Cai,  J. Jiang, and G. P. Nordin, “New ring resonator configuration using hybrid photonic crystal and conventional waveguide structures,” Opt. Express, 12(11), 2356-2364 (2004). (
  38. S. Kim, G. P. Nordin, J. Cai, and J. Jiang, “Ultracompact high-efficiency polarizing beam splitter with a hybrid photonic crystal and conventional waveguide structure,” Opt. Lett., 28(23), 2384-2386 (2003). (
  39. D. M. Chambers, G. P. Nordin, and S. Kim, “Fabrication and analysis of a three-layer stratified volume diffractive optical element high-efficiency grating,” Opt. Express, 11(1), 27-38 (2003). (
  40. G. P. Nordin, S. Kim, J. Cai, and J. Jiang, “Hybrid integration of conventional waveguide and photonic crystal structures,” Opt. Express, 10(23), 1334-1341 (2002). (

Conference Proceedings

  1. D. Rho and S. Kim, “Large dynamic range optical cavity based sensor using a low cost three-laser system,”  2017 39th Annual International Conference Of The IEEE Engineering In Medicine And Biology Society (EMBC), Jeju, South Korea, July 10-15, 2017.
  2. C. Joy and S. Kim, “Benefits of a Scaled Differential Calculation method for use in a Fabry-Perot based Optical Cavity Biosensor,” in Wireless and Microwave Circuits and Systems (WMCS), Waco, TX, USA, 2017, pp. 1-4. doi: 10.1109/WMCaS.2017.8070707
  3. P. Cowles, C. Joy, A. Bujana, D. Rho, and S. Kim, “Preliminary measurement results of biotinylated BSA detection of a low cost optical cavity based biosensor using differential detection”, Proc. SPIE 9725, Frontiers in Biological Detection: From Nanosensors to Systems VIII, 972509 (March 7, 2016); doi:10.1117/12.2212904;
  4. D. Rho, S. Cho, C. Joy, and S. Kim, “Demonstration of an optical cavity sensor with a differential detection method by refractive index measurements,” in Wireless and Microwave Circuits and Systems (WMCS), 2015 Texas Symposium on, vol., no., pp.1-4, 23-24 April 2015.
  5. S. Cho, J. Brake, C. Joy and S. Kim, “Refractive index measurement using an optical cavity based biosensor with a differential detection “, Proc. SPIE9332, Optical Diagnostics and Sensing XV: Toward Point-of-Care Diagnostics, 93320Z (March 9, 2015).
  6. J. Brake and S. Kim, “An optical cavity based biosensor with chained differential detection to improve sensitivity and fabrication tolerance,” Proc. SPIE8951, Optical Diagnostics and Sensing XIV: Toward Point-of-Care Diagnostics, 89510C (February 28, 2014); doi:10.1117/12.2038621.
  7. G. P. Nordin, R. R. Anderson, S. J. Ness, W. Hu, T. M. Gustafson, J. W. Noh, D. C. Richards, S. Kim, “Demonstration of Microcantilever-Based Sensor Array with Integrated Microfluidics,” Proc. SPIE8018, Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosives (CBRNE) Sensing XII, 80180X (June 03, 2011); doi:10.1117/12.884928.
  8. Y. Lin, N. Rahmanian, S. Kim, and G. P. Nordin, “Fabrication of Compact Polymer Waveguide Devices Using Air-trench Bends and Splitters,” Southeastcon, 2008. IEEE, vol., no., pp.421,426, 3-6 April 2008 doi: 10.1109/SECON.2008.4494331.
  9. G. P. Nordin, J. W. Noh, and S. Kim, “In-plane photonic transduction for microcantilever sensor arrays,” in Nanoscale Imaging, Spectroscopy, Sensing, and Actuation for Biomedical Applications IV, Alexander N. Cartwright, Dav V. Nicolau, and Paul L. Gourley, Editors, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 6447, pp. 64470J-1 to -8 (2007).
  10. Y. Lin, N. Rahmanian, S. Kim, and G. P. Nordin, “Compact and high efficiency polymer air-trench waveguide bends and splitters,” Proc. SPIE6462, Micromachining Technology for Micro-Optics and Nano-Optics V and Microfabrication Process Technology XII, 64620V (March 07, 2007); doi:10.1117/12.701359.
  11. Y. Qian, S. Kim, J. Song, G. P. Nordin, and J. Jiang, “Efficient and compact silicon-on-insulator rib waveguide 90 degree bends and splitters,” Proc. SPIE6477, Silicon Photonics II, 64770I (February 09, 2007); doi:10.1117/12.700932.
  12. G. P. Nordin, J. Cardenas, S. Kim, and J. Cai, “Compact Single Air Interface Bends in PFCB Polymer Waveguides,” Proc. SPIE 5728, Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies IX, (31 March 2005); doi:10.1117/12.591124.
  13. S. Kim, J. Cai, J. Jiang, and G. P. Nordin, “Design and Analysis of Small-Area Air Trench Bends and Splitters,” Proc. SPIE 5729, Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits VII, (25 March 2005); doi:10.1117/12.591148 (Invited Paper)
  14. G. P. Nordin, S. Kim, L. Li, J. Cai, and J. Jiang, “Photonic crystal and air trench approaches to realize small-area bends and splitters in low index contrast waveguides”, in Linear and Nonlinear Optics of Organic Materials IV, Robert A. Norwood, Manfred Eich, and Mark G. Kuzyk, Editors, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5517, pp. 187-198 (2004). (Invited Paper)
  15. G. P. Nordin, S. Kim, J. Cai, and J. Jiang, “Hybrid Photonic Crystal and Conventional Waveguide Structures”, in Quantum Sensing and Nanophotonic Devices, Manijeh Razeghi, Gail J. Brown, Editors, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5359, p. 324 (2004). (Invited Paper)
  16. G. P. Nordin, J. Jiang, S. Kim, and J. Cai “Micro-genetic algorithm-based design of combined conventional waveguide and photonic crystal devices”, in Photonic Crystal Materials and Devices, Ali Adibi, Axel Scherer, and Shawn-Yu Lin, Editors, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5000, p. 152-160, (2003).

Conference Abstracts

  1. Sypabekova, A. Hagemann, J. Kleiss, C. Morlan, and S. Kim, “Characterization of a label free and low-cost optical cavity-based biosensor with different silver thicknesses,” 2023 Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, October 11-14, 2023.
  2. Hagemann, M. Sypabekova, J. Kleiss, C. Morlan, and S. Kim, “Investigation on methods to improve the limit of detection of an optical cavity-based biosensor,” 2023 Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, October 11-14, 2023.
  3. Morlan, A. Hagemann, M. Sypabekova, J. Kleiss, C. Morlan, and S. Kim, “Optimizing data processing region of a low-cost optical cavity-based biosensor,” 2023 Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, October 11-14, 2023.
  4. Kleiss, A. Hagemann, M. Sypabekova, C. Morlan, and S. Kim, “Improving the sensitivity of an optical cavity-based biosensor using differential detection,” 2023 Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, October 11-14, 2023.
  5. S. Kim, M. Sypabekova, A. Hagemann, J. Kleiss, and C. Morlan, “Demonstration of an Improved Limit of Detection of the Optical Cavity-based Biosensor,” 33rd Anniversary World Congress on Biosensors, Busan, South Korea, June 5-8, 2023.
  6. A. Hagemann, S. Smith, M. Sypabekova, and S. Kim, “Improving the Limit of Detection of a Low-cost Optical Cavity-based Biosensor,” 2022 Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, October 12-15, 2022.
  7. C. Breaux and S. Kim, “Design and Demonstration of an Optical Cavity-Based Biosensor Using a Three-Laser System,” 2021 Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, October 6-9, 2021.
  8. A. K. Bavil, D. Rho, S. Kim, and J. Kim, “An Optical Cavity Biosensor Integrated with Capillary-Driven Microfluidics for Label-Free Immunoassays,” Salt Lake City, UT, November 11 – 14, 2019.
  9. S. Kim, “Progress toward an optical cavity-based biosensor for point-of-care medical diagnostics,” US-Korea Conference 2019, Rosemont, IL, USA, August 14-17, 2019. (Invited Talk)
  10. J. Lichtenberg, S. Ling, and S. Kim, “Hydrodynamic non-specific binding removal of proteins in a sinusoidal microchannel,” Pittcon2019, Philadelphia, PA, USA, Mar. 17 – 21, 2019.
  11. S. Kim, “An Optical Cavity-based Biosensor for Point-of-care (POC) Medical Diagnostics,” IEEE-NanoMed 2018, Waikiki Beach, HI, December 2-5, 2018. (Invited Talk)
  12. D. Rho and S. Kim, “Experimental demonstration of an improved optical cavity-based biosensor through biotinylated BSA detection,” 2018 Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, October 17-20, 2018.
  13. J. Cheon and S. Kim, “Microfluidic Microinjection System for Ae. Aegypti Embryos,” 2018 Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, October 17-20, 2018.
  14. C. Joy, D. Rho, and S. Kim, “Biotinylated BSA detection using a portable optical cavity biosensor,” 2018 Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, October 17-20, 2018.
  15. D. Rho and S. Kim, “Detection of biotinylated BSA with an optical cavity-based biosensor,” Pittcon2018, Orlando, FL, USA, Feb 26 – Mar 1, 2018.
  16. C. Joy, D. Rho, and S. Kim, “Refractive Index Measurements Using a Portable Optical Cavity Biosensor System,” Pittcon2018, Orlando, FL, USA, Feb 26 – Mar 1, 2018.
  17. C. Joy, D. Rho, and S. Kim, “Preliminary refractive index measurements in a portable optical cavity biosensor,” 2017 Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, October 11-14, 2017.
  18. D. Rho and S. Kim, “Design and analysis of an optical cavity based biosensor using distributed Bragg reflectors,” 2017 Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, October 11-14, 2017.
  19. D. Rho, J. Lichtenberg, and S. Kim, “Progress toward an optical cavity based sensor with a chained differential detection through refractive index measurements,” 2016 BMES annual meeting, Minneapolis, MN, USA, October 5-8, 2016.
  20. T. Bujana, D. Rho, P. Cowles, C. Joy, and S. Kim, “Improved optical cavity based biosensor with differential detection method using linear polarizers and a polarization beam splitter,” Pittcon2016, Atlanta, GA, USA, March 6-10, 2016.
  21. A. Worcester, Y. Adonyi, S. Kim, and T. Privitt, “Closed-Loop Controlled Microwave Design for Ceramics to Metal Joining,” FABTECH 2013, Chicago, IL, USA, November 18-21, 2013.
  22. C. Mounce and S. Kim, “Optical Cavity-based Biosensor Utilizing Differential Detection,” IEEE Photonics Conference 2012, San Francisco, USA, September 23-27, 2012.
  23. R. R. Anderson, W. Hu, J. W. Noh, S. J. Ness, T. M. Gustafson, D. C. Richards, S. Kim, B. A. Mazzeo, A. T. Woolley and G. P. Nordin, ”Demonstration of Transient Deflection Response for Microcantilever Arrays Integrated With Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) Microfluidics,” International Workshop on Nanomechanical Cantilever Sensors 2011, Dublin, Ireland, May 11-13, 2011.
  24. G. P. Nordin, S. Kim, R. Anderson, J. W. Noh, S. J. Ness, W. C. Dahlquist, and D.C. Richards, “Microcantilever arrays with in-plane photonic readout for biosensing,” Paper J3 2323, 218th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, October 10-15, 2010. (Invited Paper)
  25. G. P. Nordin, S. Kim, W. Hu, R. Anderson, J. W. Noh, S. Ness, W. Dahlquist, and D.C. Richards, “Demonstration of microcantilever biosensor array with in-plane photonic transduction mechanism,” microTAS, Groningen, Netherlands, October 3-7, 2010.
  26. G. P. Nordin, S. Kim, J. W. Noh, W. Hu, R. Anderson, S. J. Ness, W. C. Dahlquist, and D.C. Richards, “Flow rate detection and preliminary biological molecule sensing results with photonic microcantilever arrays,” International Workshop on Nanomechanical Cantilever Sensors 2010, Banff, Canada, May 26-28, 2010.
  27. G. P. Nordin, S. Kim. J. W. Noh, W. Hu, R. Anderson, S. Ness, W. Dahlquist, B. Haslam, and J. Dong, “In-plane photonic readout of microcantilever arrays integrated with microfluidics for biosensing,” microTAS, Jeju, Korea, November 1-5, 2009.
  28. B. Haslam, S. Kim. W. Hu, and G. P. Nordin, “Microfluidic closed volume reflow pump,” microTAS, Jeju, Korea, November 1-5, 2009.
  29. J. W. Noh, R. Anderson, S. Kim, and G. P. Nordin, “ In-plane all-photonic transduction of microcantilever arrays by a differential splitter using a double-step rib waveguide,” Frontiers in Optics 2009, OSA’s 93rd Annual meeting, San Jose, USA, October 11-15, 2009.
  30. G. P. Nordin, S. Kim, J. W. Noh, R. Anderson, W. Hu, S. J. Ness, B. Haslam, and J. Dong, “Photonic Microcantilever Arrays With Integrated Microfluidics,” International Workshop on Nanomechanical Cantilever Sensors 2009, Jeju, Korea, May 20-22, 2009.
  31. S. J. Ness, S. Kim, and G. P. Nordin,“Deposition of Functionalizing Materials on Photonic Microcantilever Chemical/Biological Sensors using Inkjet Technology,” Nanotech, Houston, USA, May 3-7, 2009
  32. G. P. Nordin, S. Kim, J.W. Noh, W. Hu, R. Anderson, B. Haslam, W. Dahlquist, and H.B. Dong, “Microcantilever arrays with photonic readout for biosensing,” Microtechnologies in Medicine and Biology, Quebec City, Canada, April 1-9, 2009.
  33. S. Kim, Y. Qian, J. Song, and G. P. Nordin, “Compact 1 x 32 Splitter Network and Ring Resonator for Silicon-On-Insulatro Rib Waveguide,” Frontiers in Optics 2008, OSA’s 92nd Annual meeting, Rochester, USA, October 21-22, 2008.
  34. G. P. Nordin, S. Kim, J. Noh, W. Hu, R. Anderson, Y. Qian, J. Song, B. Haslam, S. Ness, “Progress toward parallel microcantilever array readout enabled by in-plane photonic transduction,” International Workshop on Nanomechanical Cantilever Sensors 2008, Mainz, Germany, May19-21, 2008. (Invited Paper)
  35. G. P. Nordin, J. Noh, Y. Qian, J. Song, R. Anderson, and S. Kim, “Photonics-Enabled Microcantilever Arrays for Sensor Applications,” Integrated Photonics and Nanophotonics Research and Applications (IPNRA), Salt Lake City, UT, May 9-11, 2007.
  36. Y. Qian, S. Kim, J. Song, G. P. Nordin, and J. Jiang, “Compact 90o Bends and Splitters for Silicon-on-Insulator Rib Waveguide,” Integrated Photonics and Nanophotonics Research and Applications (IPNRA), Salt Lake City, UT, May 9-11, 2007.
  37. G. P. Nordin, S. Kim, J. Noh, Y. Qian, and J. Song, “In-Plane Transduction of Nanomechanical Microcantilever Motion to Enable Sensor Arrays,” NSTI Nanotech 2007, Santa Clara, CA, May 20-24, 2007.
  38. G. P. Nordin, J. W. Noh, Y. Qian, and S. Kim, “Silicon photonics for microcantilever-based chemical and biological sensors,” 210th Electrochemical Society’s Third International Symposium on Integrated Optoelectronics, Cancun, Mexio, October 29 – November 3, 2006. (Invited Paper)
  39. N. Rahmanian, S. Kim, and G. P. Nordin, “Fabrication and characterization of air-trench waveguide beamsplitters in perfluorocyclobutyl polymers,” in Frontiers in Optics 2006, OSA Technical Digest, (Optical Society of America, Washington DC, 2006), Paper FWM1.
  40. G. P. Nordin, S. Kim, Y. Qian, J. W. Noh, and J. Jiang, “In-Plane Photonic Transduction of SOI Microcantilever Sensors,” 3rd International Conference on Group IV Photonics, Ottawa, Canada, September 13-15, 2006. Paper WA3.
  41. G. P. Nordin, S. Kim, J. W. Noh, and Y. Qian, “In-Plane Photonic Transduction for Microcantilever Arrays,” International Workshop on Nanomechanical Sensors, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 7-10, 2006.
  42. G. P. Nordin, S. Kim, N. Rahmanian, and Y. Lin, “Compact Photonic Devices in Low Index Contrast Waveguides,” in Symposium on Organic Thin Films for Photonic Applications, OSA Technical Digest, (Optical Society of America, Washington DC, 2005), Paper SWB3, (Invited Paper).
  43. G. P. Nordin, J. Cardenas, and S. Kim, “Compact High Efficiency Bends in Perfluorcyclobutyl Polymer Waveguides,” Optical Fiber Communications (OFC), Paper OFD2, 2005.
  44. G. P. Nordin, S. Kim, L. Li, J. Cai, and J. Jiang, “Air Trench and Photonic Crystal Structures for Compact Waveguide Devices in Low Index Contrast Waveguides,” Paper N1 1433, 206th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, October 3-8, 2004. (Invited Paper)
  45. S. Kim, J. Cai, J. Jiang, and G. P. Nordin, “Low refractive index contrast waveguide 90 degree bend and a ring resonator design using hybrid photonic crystal and conventional waveguide structures,” in Integrated Photonics Research Topical Meetings on CD-ROM (The Optical Society of America, Washington, DC, 2004), Presentation IthG3.
  46. S. Kim, G. P. Nordin, J. Jiang, and J. Cai, “Hybrid photonic crystal and low refractive index contrast waveguide structures,” in Integrated Photonics Research, OSA Technical Digest, (Optical Society of America, Washington DC, 2003), pp. 46-48.
  47. D. Chambers, S. Kim, and G. P. Nordin, “Fabrication and evaluation of stratified volume diffractive optical elements with three grating layers”, in OSA Annual Meeting and Exhibit 2000 (October 22-26, Optical Society of America, Providence, RI, 2000), p. 113.
  48. D. Chambers, S. Kim, and G. P. Nordin, “Fabrication and evaluation of two-layer stratified volume diffractive optical elements”, Diffractive Optics and Micro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (June 18-22, Optical Society of America, Quebec City, Canada, 2000), postdeadline paper.