My experience with autistic children

I have known several friends with milder forms of autism in my life and have experienced the disease first hand through them. However I had never experienced it with a young child until this year. I was working as a crew leader at my churches VBS and I had the largest number of kids I had ever taken care of, when the leader of out youth ministry, Seth, told me he had one more kid for me to lead. He told me she was a bit wild and he wanted to give her to me because of the seniority I had n the program and my experience dealing with children. The little girls name was Molly and when her grandmother brought her in she informed me that molly had autism and was very hard to track. She wasn’t kidding. That week was one of the hardest weeks pf my life but by the end i had befriended molly and some what found a method to control her. In conclusion, this experience really made me focus on patience and humility when I took care of Molly.

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