Stories in The Mandalorian

The Mandalorian is a Star Wars TV show that dives into the culture of the Mandalorian race in the Star Wars universe. The main character is a Mandalorian who’s character is deeply rooted in the traditions of his people. The culture of the Mandalorian race in the TV show is passed on through stories that are told. The Mandalorians are infamously lethal in combat to everyone in the Star Wars universe, and during the TV show just the sight of the main character in his armor makes all of the other characters turn their heads because they had all heard the stories about his race. Stories in the TV show are created as the audience gets to know the main character, and the audience watches the Mandalorian become more and more of a legend.

Coordinated Management of Meaning, “uses the term story to refer to much of what we say when we talk with others about our social worlds – ourselves, others, relationships, organizations, or the larger community” (67). Stories come in many different categories. There are lived stories, unknown stories, untold stories, unheard stories, untellable stories, story telling, and stories told. There is no correct way to interpret a story, but rather categorizing them is “[to enlarge our] awareness of how complex our social worlds are” (69). Many people react to stories in different ways. This can be explained by, “logical force [which is] the moral pressure or sense of obligation a person feels to respond in a given way” (70). Stories are how we communicate with one another our past and our history.

Stories are mostly lived in the Mandalorian, but some stories are told amongst people in the Star Wars universe, which gives the main character and other Mandalorians their reputation. Most characters’ logical forceĀ whenever they see a Mandalorian is to be intimidated by them because they know if they pick a fight with one it will most likely not end well for them. The stories that are lived are demonstrated through epic fights and showdowns that the Mandalorian gets himself in to when protecting his companion. Stories that make the main character so intimidated go mostly untold because everyone already knows them in the TV show, so they tend to not talk about him whenever he is around. The stories directly affect everyone around him because of how they react to him. Another story that does get told in the show is about his companion, which was called baby Yoda by fans who watched the show. He was shown to have skills like a Jedi, which were known as peacekeepers to characters in the Star Wars universe, and which were known as the main protagonists to the audiences who watch Star Wars. Baby Yoda’s story gets told in the second season of the Mandalorian. It gets revealed that he had been trained by Jedi when he was younger but then he escaped before the Jedi were destroyed. His story got told because audiences were left guessing as to what made his character so special and so powerful. Now and again the baby would save the Mandalorian despite being a cute and innocent looking creature. Stories are an essential part of the plot throughout the TV show and throughout Star Wars in general, which is why audiences become immersed so easily into the Star Wars universe.

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