On free t-shirts

Have I ever mentioned how much I love getting free t-shirts with strange or bizarre designs and logos? I mean, I don’t have fifty-eight of them, but I have a few. I’ve picked up a few at sporting events (had them thrown at me, really), worn a few at fundraisers (trimmed with the many supporters of the fund raiser), and I have also been handed others in totally random and chaotic situations. There is something blatantly charming about free stuff, but a free shirt is just too much fun. Free shirts are like book marks in time, and every time you wear it, you remember that soccer game, book sale, or picnic in which you received. Two radio stations, a men’s haberdashery, and a light opera all gave me free t-shirts. Strange t-shirts have just appeared in my closet, and I have no idea where they came from or to what they might refer–they are mystery t-shirts. Some favorite t-shirts get rather ratty and need to be culled from the herd. Many of my t-shirts celebrate the school colors of the schools that I have attended (although a few of those were bought, which is not in the spirit of free t-shirts at all). Free t-shirts are frivolous, chaotic, random, liberating, anarchic, and unpredictable. There is nothing about free t-shirts which really organized type-A’s can either like or appreciate. Free t-shirts are a metaphor for the arbitrary nature of life itself.

On free t-shirts

Have I ever mentioned how much I love getting free t-shirts with strange or bizarre designs and logos? I mean, I don’t have fifty-eight of them, but I have a few. I’ve picked up a few at sporting events (had them thrown at me, really), worn a few at fundraisers (trimmed with the many supporters of the fund raiser), and I have also been handed others in totally random and chaotic situations. There is something blatantly charming about free stuff, but a free shirt is just too much fun. Free shirts are like book marks in time, and every time you wear it, you remember that soccer game, book sale, or picnic in which you received. Two radio stations, a men’s haberdashery, and a light opera all gave me free t-shirts. Strange t-shirts have just appeared in my closet, and I have no idea where they came from or to what they might refer–they are mystery t-shirts. Some favorite t-shirts get rather ratty and need to be culled from the herd. Many of my t-shirts celebrate the school colors of the schools that I have attended (although a few of those were bought, which is not in the spirit of free t-shirts at all). Free t-shirts are frivolous, chaotic, random, liberating, anarchic, and unpredictable. There is nothing about free t-shirts which really organized type-A’s can either like or appreciate. Free t-shirts are a metaphor for the arbitrary nature of life itself.