Predicting and controlling the structure-property-processing relations in materials play important roles in designing advanced materials. With the recent progress in computing power, computational modeling has become very popular in studying these relations, which also enables design of new generation of materials in a faster pace. Through integrated Density Functional Theory (DFT), Molecular Dynamics (MD) and Coarse-grained MD simulation technique, as well as Concurrent atomistic–continuum (CAC) theory, our lab aims to identify the relationships between nano/microstructures and mechanical/thermal properties of various materials, including biomaterials, polymer composite, shape memory ceramics, 2D materials, etc. Our main research goal is to explore mechanics strategies for designing high performance, multifunctional, adaptive and “green” composite materials through multiscale computational approaches.

Our values
- All people are created equal, and all people deserve an equal opportunity to thrive in their academic studies, regardless of gender identity, race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, age, etc.
- Everyone deserves the right to have their voice heard; only through logical dialogue can we progress as a society and as scientists.
- Everyone’s input is valuable: postdocs, graduate students, undergraduate students, and faculty are all equally likely to have the “next big idea.”
- Women’s rights are human rights, and women deserve the self-autonomy to make their own healthcare choices.
- Climate change is real, and an existential threat to every living thing on the planet.