Political Science

Archives of Human Sexuality: LGBT History & Culture Since 1940

Brings together disparate collections of documents, grassroots newsletters, journals, periodicals, literature, diaries, personal papers, government documents, and ephemeral material related to the LGBTQ movement in North America and beyond.

Colonial America

This resource was on trial and has been acquired by the Bayulor Libraries.  This resource includes both Colonial America: Module 1: Frontier Life, Early Expansion And Rivalries and Colonial America: Module 2: Towards Revolution.

ProQuest Regulatory Insight

Provides federal administrative law histories for individual federal statutes and Executive Orders. This resource is a companion to ProQuest Legislative Insight.

Journal Citation Reports

Provides information for journal evaluation using citation data including total cites, impact factor (with and without self-cites), 5-year impact factor, citable items, cited half-life, citing half-life, Eigenfactor score, article influence score, % articles in citable items, normalized Eigenfactor, and average JIF percentile. Also available are ranking by both Web of Science and Essential Science Indicator categories. Find journals by title or category. Can limit to open access journals only.

The search interface for this resource recently changed.

Historical Statistical Abstracts of the US

Provides PDF-based statistical tables originally published in the Statistical Abstracts of the United States 1929-2012 from the U.S. federal government.

Please provide us with feedback on this resource.

Trial expires on Saturday, April 9, 2016.


Provides access to nearly 100,000 new government documents each week from over 8,300 sources and 14,600 different websites. Contains a repository of over 30 million documents authored or adopted by the U.S. Federal Government and published through official government channels.

Please provide us with feedback on this resource.

Trial expires on Tuesday, March 1, 2016.

Associated Press Collections

Provides access to the digital collection of the Associated Press Corporate Archive, including wire copy, personal papers, AP style books, internal publications, video, images and more. Includes the following collections: News Features & Internal Communications, U.S. City Bureaus 1931-2004, Washington D.C. Bureau 1915-2009, Middle East Bureaus 1967-2008, and European Bureaus 1937-2003

Please provide us with feedback on this resource.

Trial expires on Friday, February 5, 2016.

Colonial America

Provides access to the National Archives (UK) files of original correspondence on British colonies in North America and the Caribbean. These files (from the CO 5 section of the National Archives) include the correspondence, charters, military documents, pamphlets, instructions to officials and other documents between the Board of Trade in the UK and the Secretaries of State in the various colonies. This information discusses the growth and development of colonial institutions, trade, piracy, religious issues, slavery and the slave trade, and settler’s relations with the Native Peoples.

Please provide us with feedback on this resource.

Trial expires on Thursday, November 5, 2015.

SAGE Research Methods 

Assists researchers, faculty and students, by allowing them to search for methods concepts and to understand a particular method or identify a new method. This tool helps the researcher design research projects, conduct their research, and write up their findings.Please provide us with feedback on this resource.

Trial expires on Thursday, October 15, 2015.

SAGE Research Methods Cases 

Provides a collection of case studies on social research designed to help understand abstract methodological concepts.Please provide us with feedback on this resource.

Trial expires on Thursday, October 15, 2015.

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