Political Science

Web of Science. Core Collection (Archives, 1900-1969)

Added the archives (1900-1969) for the Social Science Citation Index and the Science Citation Index.

ProQuest History Vault

Contains the full-text of various U.S. diplomatic and intelligence files, and Department of State files. Collections may be searched collectively or individually and represent diplomatic and intelligence reporting on a range of 20th century history.

Oxford Bibliographies. African American Studies

Provides introductory essays and critical, annotated bibliographies to the most important works on the topic covered. Very useful for introductions to the scholarship of a field and key critical works.


Provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD), this resource is building a comprehensive gateway to all doctoral and master-level theses and dissertations, many openly accessible, by harvesting the information from repositories throughout the world.

Making of Modern Law. American Civil Liberties Union Papers, 1912-1990

Contains the records of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), an organization known for its focus on civil rights, race, gender, protest, the role of police, and the role of government on both the national and local levels. This primary source collection provides a historical look at the ACLU and other groups that have interacted with them. Covers years from before the official founding through the 20th century. This resource is part of the Making of Modern Law collection.

Digital National Security Archive

Added Modules 49-50: 49) Targeting Iraq, Part 1: Planning, Invasion and Occupation, 1997-2004; and 50) Castro, Cuba, and the United States: The Declassified History of Negotiations to Normalize Relations, 1959-2016.

Proquest Supreme Court Insight

Provides access to a complete collection of full opinions from Supreme Court argued cases, including per decision, dockets, oral arguments, joint appendices and amicus briefs. Case compilation pages are organized so that users can easily understand the judicial process.

SAGE Stats

Provides social science data covering geographies within the United States and spans topics such as healthcare, crime, education, employment, religion, and government finances. Allows users to compare, customize, and export data.

Please provide us with feedback on this resource.

Trial expires on Wednesday, November 9, 2016

US Political Stats

Provides data covering all three branches of the United States government. Subjects covered include election returns, congressional floor votes, Supreme Court decisions, presidential performance, economic indicators, and demographics. Data is harmonized and presented in the same format which allows for comparison and visualization.

Please provide us with feedback on this resource.

Trial expires on Wednesday, November 9, 2016.


This resources was on trial and has been acquired by the Baylor Libraries.

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