W. (Oliver Stone, 2008)

W. (Oliver Stone)Stone’s surprisingly pedestrian biopic of the 43rd President (as far as I know, the first Hollywood film about a sitting President) is structured around the lead-up and immediate aftermath of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, but its heart and soul are firmly rooted in the Oedipal trauma of Bush’s lifelong Daddy (or, in this case, “Poppy”) issues. The film is neither good nor bad, but really just kind of irrelevant since all of its insights are little more than cinematic summaries of what anyone who has read news coverage of Dubya over the past eight years already knows. Josh Brolin tries to insert some heart and soul into his performance, but it comes across as little more than effective imitation. The rest of the actors are just mired in historical-political drag.  (Hollywood Jewel 16, Waco, TX)