Practically booed off the screen when it premiered in its original cut at Cannes in 2006, Richard Kelly’s insanely ambitious fever dream of a science fiction/political satire/anti-fantasy roars at you with unapologetic gusto, inflaming the senses with its rich tapestry of post-millennial visions and assaulting the mind with its skewering of the Far Right and the Far Left. Accused of being incomprehensible, the film’s real sin may very well be that it’s simply not weird enough. For too long it dangles before you the carrot of clarity, only to jerk it away again and again. Just when you think you may be grasping what it’s all about, you’re suddenly confronted with some kind of visual or narrative non sequitur, and I haven’t quite decided whether this is the key to the film’s unappreciated genuis or the lynchpin to its demise. (DVD)