My Kid Could Paint That (Amir Bar-Lev, 2007)

My Kid Could Paint That (Amir Bar-Lev, 2007)Amir Bar-Lev’s utterly engrossing documentary about the controversy surrounding a 4-year-old painting prodigy is first and foremost an investigation of the fundamentally subjective nature of art. If this toddler genius can in fact paint abstract smears that are likened to the works of Jackson Pollock, then isn’t the whole abstract art world just an elaborate con game that has convinced people to see brilliance and value in random paint spatters? The fury that erupts following a 60 Minutes exposé suggesting that little Marla Olstead may have had too much help from her father only deepens the quagmire, and while that question is left purposefully dangling, it illustrates in no uncertain terms that art matters not in and of itself, but because of what we invest in it. (DVD)