From Baylor University to Deloitte: Q & A with Luciana Borrego Flores

by Pamela Trevino Contla (’24)

Luciana Borrego Flores is an Engagement Financial Advisor as part of Deloitte’s TEACH program. She was born in Mexico and grew up in El Paso, TX. She graduated from Baylor in 2022 with a major in International Studies and two minors, in Business Administration and French.

While in her last semester at Baylor University, Luciana Borrego Flores was undecided on whether to pursue a job in either the private or government sector. As an international studies major with a business administration minor, the career opportunities and job positions available to her after graduation were vast. Luciana learned of Deloitte during a conversation with a friend, prompting her to explore the company and ultimately discover the TEACH rotational program, which she applied to and is currently involved in.

Deloitte’s Training Enabling Areas Campus Hires (TEACH) is a three-year rotational program that hires recent college graduates to gain training and experience in four different areas within Deloitte. Luciana felt enticed to apply to the TEACH program as it provided the perfect opportunity for her to experience multiple positions while obtaining a clearer understanding of her future career path. She applied to the program through Deloitte’s website and was accepted three months later.

As of this month, Luciana completed her first year at Deloitte, during which, she worked as a government and public service analyst in the centralized contracts team. In this position, Luciana gained experience analyzing, revising, and editing government contracts for agency projects. Referring to her time at Baylor, Luciana mentions that the government coursework and administrative skills gained during her undergraduate studies contributed to her effectiveness in this role. 

Having recently transitioned into her second role in the rotational program, Luciana believes that the flexibility of the international studies study program has made her more readily able to adapt to diverse environments. During her time at Baylor, Luciana was able to explore a wide array of courses in various disciplines including but not limited to humanities, economics, and history. As a result, she is confident that her experience as an international studies major shaped her to become more resilient and responsive in changing work environments. 

When asked about a challenge that she regularly faces in the workplace, Luciana admits to having struggled at the start of her position with feelings of worry and self-doubt arising from not always knowing what was happening. With time, she realized that everyone around her often experienced these feelings which validated her own and understood that it is acceptable to not know every detail of her work right from the start. Today, Luciana is proud of being part of a well-known company with a supportive work community that motivates her to grow her career.

As advice for any soon-to-be-graduates, Luciana urges students to lean in with confidence into whatever job position or graduate program they may strive for.  As a Latino woman, she also shared the Association of Latino Professionals for America (ALPFA) as a great career-growing and professional development resource for Latinos working in the United States.  Lastly, Luciana also encourages students not to limit themselves but instead be open to new and unexpected opportunities that may appear along the way. 

For more information about Deloitte’s TEACH rotational program, check out some FAQs here.

Pamela Trevino Contla (’24) is an International Studies and Environmental Studies student with Italian and French minors from Monterrey, Mexico. She studies global climate change impacts, environmental inequality, and policy. She hopes to pursue a master’s in environmental policy and work at the federal level as a policy advisor.

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