Undergraduate, Graduate, & Doctoral School: Q&A with Clay Parham

Interview by Isabelle Zgorzelski

Clay Parham began his PhD in the Fall of 2022. He has a BA in International Studies from Baylor University, from which he graduated in 2019, and a Master of International Affairs from the Bush School at Texas A&M ’22. Previous to the Bush School, he was a Fulbright English Teaching Assistant at Oberschule Weixdorf in Germany and has served as a Legislative Aide in the Texas State Senate. He is currently an Armor officer in the Texas Army National Guard. His research interests include Grand Strategy, Great Power Transition, and Defense Policy.


Talking with Clay Parham about his experience studying IST, he explains how he has always had in interest in international studies since high school. Upon starting his undergraduate degree at Baylor University, it was the courses he took in high school that encouraged him to choose this major.

Parham graduated Baylor University in 2019 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in International Studies with concentrations in Political Science and German Studies. While as an undergraduate student at Baylor University, he was selected as a Bob’s Bullocks Scholar in 2017 serving the Texas Senate and studied abroad through the Baylor in Germany Program in 2018. Realizing how he enjoyed public service and utilizing his German language abilities to learn more about international cultures, he decided to pursue opportunities to do both.

After graduation, Parham was selected a Fulbright English Teaching Assistant to Weixdorf, Germany, where he served as an assistant educator to students and teachers for American cultural language study. Through this experience he realized how much he loved teaching and engaging with students in the classroom. This was pivotal moment for him in wanting to pursue opportunities of higher education.

Knowing he wanted to continue his studies, he applied and was accepted into Texas A&M University’s Bush School of Government and Public Service. One of his most notable professors that solidified his interest in IST was Dr. John Schuessler. The International Studies and Grand Strategy courses he took with him encouraged hm to studying higher levels of political science. He graduated in 2022 with a Masters degree in International Affairs and concentrations in Grand Strategy and Military Strategy.

It was in graduate school Parham decided to join the Texas Army National Guard. He is currently serving as an Armor Officer leading teams of 15 people and 4 tanks per group.

Now, Parham is a doctoral student at Baylor University studying International Studies under professors, Dr. Richard Jordan and Dr. Peter Campbell in the Political Science Department. He has 5 years to complete his doctorate degree where he will gain more experience as a teacher and more in-depth understanding of his concentrations.

When asked about a piece of advice to give to students from his journey undergrad to now, Parham encourages for students to apply for things you are interested in. No matter if you feel qualified or ready for the position, if you have an interest in the opportunity, then it does not hurt to apply. Being a student is the best time to apply for new opportunities. Don’t just let the deadline pass without trying for it.

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