Defending Cyberspace: Is the Best Cyber-Defense a Good Cyber-Offense?

The International Studies Program and Sigma Iota Rho, the International Studies Honor Society, co-sponsored a talk by Dr. Peter Campbell on the topic of cyber defense. Dr. Campbell used lessons learned from previous conflicts to analyze the strategies available to defend against cyberwar.

ΣΙΡ Sigma Iota Rho International Relations Honor Society Alpha Epsilon Chapter

The International Relations Honor Society, Sigma Iota Rho, Alpha Epsilon Chapter, was established primarily to honor students who have excelled academically and who have shown extracurricular achievement. The purpose of the Society is to promote and reward scholarship and service among students of International Relations, and to foster integrity and creative performance in the understanding of world affairs.


Benefits Of Membership:

  • Graduation regalia: honor cord and pin
  • Graduation stole and t-shirt (for optional additional fees)
  • Certificate attesting membership status
  • Opportunity to help publish Baylor’s International Studies Newsletter
  • Opportunity to attend conferences at the United Nations, World Bank and more (for more information see the SIR – ATHGO Partnership)
  • Opportunity to receive research and travel grant funding (for more information visit the SIR Research and Travel Grants webpage)
  • Copy of the latest issue of the nationally distributed Journal of International Relations
  • An opportunity to be published in the nationally distributed and completely student run Journal of International Relations
  • Access to professional networks
  • Access to SIR’s Internship Databank

Along with the tangible list of benefits surely come such things as life-long relationships, personal growth, development, and realization of the leadership potential, opportunities to deepen one’s understanding of international affairs, and have fun!

• As a member in SIR, you will be expected to do your best to attend all major meetings during each semester. There are usually four meetings per semester.

There are two types of membership.
1. Full membership: Full members meet the academic requirements (3.4 in major, 3.3 overall; 60 credit hours earned) and pay dues ($65). These members are inducted into the national chapter of Sigma Iota Rho and have access to the professional networks, internships databank, and other benefits of full membership.

2. Baylor members: Baylor chapter membership is for those who want to learn more about the world and understand international issues but don’t want to pursue it professionally OR those who are interested in pursuing international issues but don’t have the GPA or enough hours to qualify for membership

  • No GPA or major requirement, no dues requirement
  • Benefits of being a Scholar: can attend study groups, all major meetings, and any on campus activities hosted by SIR

To Apply:

• Submit an online application

After we receive your application we will contact you with further instructions.

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