There were things about my friends responses that were similar and things that were different. I realized through this exercise that each had a different view of me based on the different versions of myself they most commonly interacted with. Now, I’m not saying that I have multiple personalities, but I am saying that High School and puberty are chameleon periods of time in which nature highly affects a persons identity.

This 50 shades of Hannah, seemed most evident to me in the remarks on my leadership style. Chloe found me to be a relational leader, finding what people care about and then showing care for that too. Even though this is very close to the theory of servant leadership first put forth by Greenleaf, her idea of it is unique to our relationship. I am her best friend, therefore I care about her problems and I make them my own; in that way I express leadership in the environment of intimate friendship.

There were integral parts of my identity that wound a common thread through all three interviews. Each girl knew my spiritual life was strong and knew I admired Abigail Adams (who doesn’t). I was unsure if this was due to my tendency toward repetition and over exaggeration of love for historical figures and God, but I did know they were two good cornerstones. As my faith lies at the center of who I am, it is reassuring to see that others recognize its importance and affirm it. My adoration of Mrs. Adams and the resulting question is something I put in to see if the girls were well equipped to take such an intimate survey about who I am, and it seems that if maybe my career is hazy, my friendships are not.