Does Reading Create Better Writers?

by Dr. Kristin Huggins, Consultant

“If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot.”

– Stephen King

Veteran authors posit that reading and writing go hand in hand, regardless of genre or convention. However, the way students recreationally read may not necessarily serve all purposes of their academic writing needs. Instead, they quickly learn to skim for needed information. After all, there are only so many hours in the day. If graduate students hope to finish annotating the 20 articles they have left in their stack before midnight, chewing on every word will only slow them down.

Simply put: To be successful and meet deadlines, we must learn to adapt our reading process to fit the needs of our writing tasks. However, I would argue that sometimes this form of reading (i.e., skimming, treasure-hunting, or scanning) does not always lend itself to long-term improvement of writing skills and knowledge of craft.

While skimming or scanning will help you identify the findings and implications of an empirical study, it may not be as helpful for improving your vocabulary. You may not provide yourself with the space to allow for creative exploration and inspiration for your work. You may miss academic terminologies specific to your discipline, terms that signal to journals and committees that you understand the unspoken expectations of your field. Thus, exhaustive or intensive reading (i.e., reading that digs deeper and moves slower) may also be beneficial in addressing these concerns.

“Read, read, read. Read everything – trash, classics, good and bad, and see how they [authors] do it. Just like a carpenter who works as an apprentice and studies the master. Read! You’ll absorb it. Then write. If it’s good, you’ll find out. If it’s not, throw it out of the window.”

– William Faulkner

I can already hear the rebuttal: “Graduate students don’t have time to read – REALLY read.” Insert long list of anxiety-inducing, mind-numbing deadlines for grant applications, conference proposals, research prospectus defense, preliminary technical reviews, etc.

Trust me. I get it. I didn’t allow myself to read for pleasure for nearly three years as a doctoral student. And it nearly killed every creative bone in my body.

For me, reading has always been the jumper cable to my creative battery. When my tank was empty, reading filled it back up. It has been an intellectual, emotional, and creative support system for as long as I can remember. So, making the conscious decision to forgo recreational reading for the duration of my doctoral program was not one made lightly. And I deeply regret it.

I would argue that reading in all forms (recreational and academic) is invaluable: it creates more competent scholars, more empathetic humans, more eloquent writers, and more emotionally stable graduate students. If you want to write, you must READ!

What is a musician who doesn’t listen to music? Or a chef who doesn’t enjoy sampling different cuisines on their day off? Or a dancer who hates watching ballet?

What is a writer who doesn’t read?

Consider, dear reader, the following reasons why reading in all forms is beneficial for writers:

Reading Expands your Vocabulary

If you find yourself repeating the same words (especially descriptive terms that are not content-specific to your field), reading material in your discipline can help add to your vocabulary while illuminating which words may be more acceptable in your genre than others.

When you come across a phrase or a term that sparks your interest, dig deeper. Look up definitions. Write them down in your research/drafting journal. Explore ways in which new terms could be applied to your current or future work.

Reading Explores Knowledge of Craft

Reading exposes us to the rules of writing, including conventions of genre and style. It also shows us when authors choose to willingly break those rules, and whether this choice served the goals of their writing. Reading also exposes several forms of “voice,” which helps you to begin identifying your own.

Exemplars are invaluable for the graduate student. If you’re drafting a journal article, read several from the journals you plan to submit to. Take note of the common denominators you see throughout the works they accept for publication. If you’re writing a methodology chapter of your thesis or dissertation, pull several recently published dissertations in your field with comparable methodologies to see how they structured their chapter. What headings did they use? What tone did they incorporate?

Reading Stimulates Inspiration for Your Own Work

It may not be a thunderclap of inspiration – it may just be an ember. But with the right conditions, an ember can become a forest fire. Collect your embers as you read. Keep an Idea Journal nearby. Write ideas down. Think on them as you drive home from work, or as you walk across campus. Allow your brain to turn them over time and time again. This is how creative tanks become refilled and you find your footing with your own writing again.

Don’t be afraid to cross genres! Inspiration isn’t bound by parameters or rules. Can you believe I discovered a new way to catalog and synthesize historical literature in my field from a novel about an alchemical Oxford scholar who discovered vampires were real? VAMPIRES. My creativity has no shame. And neither should yours.

“The greatest part of a writer’s time is spent in reading, in order to write; a man will turn over half a library to make one book.”

Samuel Johnson

Happy Writing (and Reading), Dear Reader.

Writing Advice for Multilingual Writers

by Madhur Wyatt, Consultant

My dear multilingual friend,

You have significantly more grey matter in your brain because you are multilingual. Your cognitive muscles only get stronger, bigger, and more flexible when you take up the challenge of writing your next project in English. Your superior abilities to concentrate and problem-solve will take you places. But right now, you need to focus your attention on expressing yourself effectively. No point in research if it cannot be communicated to the big wide world in a clear manner. I have some tips and tricks for you, suggestions from a multilingual friend to a multilingual friend.

  • Funnel from big to small

Focus your attention on the big picture. Be very clear on “What”  is your project and “Why” is it important? What are you trying to communicate to your audience? Are you making sound arguments to support or refute your main idea? Once your foundation of “what and why” is laid, you can then proceed to smaller details of grammar, syntax, and word choice. So, don’t get stuck in the weeds, look at the big picture first.

  • You will GROW, but not in a vacuum

Observe how other authors in your field write (aka. Reference texting). What type of language and word choices do they use? How do they organize their ideas? What is their layout? What tone do they use? How do they support/refute an argument? But never copy it. Use your talent, own your style, and go for it.

  • You will need an early head-start

You may think that you can write an essay the night before the deadline. But a succinct expression of the language may take longer. An early start to your project will give you plenty of time to organize ideas, write them up, receive feedback from Graduate Writing Center (GWC), talk about your project with peers, make edits, and meet the deadline with significantly less pressure and stress.

  • Embrace friendship with the GWC

We are with you through thick and thin. GWC is your friend, and our team at GWC understands your being multilingual. We support your project in two ways. 1. We are outsiders. We may see something you may miss because of your super focus niche. 2. We are writing consultants trained in multilingualism. We have slightly more practice at writing and can provide very useful insights. You and all your friends can benefit from us. We have your back!

  • Love the turtle-pace

I’m sure it took you a long time to adjust to a new culture. Writing eloquently in English can take longer. Be patient. Proficiency and expertise will not happen right away. Medical doctors continue to practice for decades to constantly reflect and evolve in patient care. Writing will be yours to practice long-term!

  • Create fun add-ons to your learning

Make it fun. Talk about your research with peers, have weekly tea/coffee/lunch with an English-speaking friend, host movie nights, read love novels or mystery books, or find a mentor. If you have other suggestions on how to immerse yourself in the language, please comment below.

6 Youtube Channels for Academic Writing Inspiration

by Dr. Kristin Huggins, Consultant

**These channels are not GWC partners, nor is this post an official endorsement of their videos. These resources are merely helpful tools that some of our consultants have found personally beneficial in their own work.**

Similar to our blog post on podcasts for the academic writer, today we offer a vetted list of YouTubers who have devoted their digital voice to the academic space. All of these channels are produced by Ph.D. graduates, tenured professors, academic consultants, or current doctoral candidates at prestigious universities. With these distinct backgrounds, they all provide a unique approach to academic writing, research strategies, and life hacks for the stressed-out graduate student.

Keep in mind that these channels are meant to inspire audiences, not to supply faultless, prescriptive instructions on how to write a thesis or craft the perfect literature review. First and foremost, take your lead from your chair/supervising professor/faculty advisor. Ultimately, they will be the ones to make the call whether your paper passes muster.

Instead, peruse these channels with the intention to become invigorated by ideas that may fall outside your typical modus operandi.

Finally, my hope for you (dear reader) is that these channels serve a secondary purpose outside the realm of academic writing: to prove to you that there is a community beyond your classroom, who are seeking answers just like you.

Often, writing is interpreted as a solitary act, requiring monastery-like isolation in order to achieve academic success. This could not be further from the truth, as proven by the abundance of YouTube channels, podcasts, blogs, and online community forums.

Writing is collaborative. It is social. It is a living organism that requires room to evolve, shift, grow. The act of writing cannot be static, but requires engagement and interaction in order to improve–just like you.

Don’t fall into the trap of siloing yourself away in a library cubby without much-needed human interaction from those that understand (on a very visceral level) the degree of stress and anxiety your writing projects create in your life.

With that, I hope these channels provide you with inspiration and community for your academic writing needs!

Brisa Marie – Future Ph.D.

Brisa is a first-generation student, pursuing a Ph.D. in Culture and Performance at UCLA’s World Arts and Culture/Dance Department. Brisa created her channel after realizing how doctoral programs were frought with hidden gatekeepers, unspoken expectations, and unexpected challenges for the graduate student. While she felt overprepared entering into her program, she discovered that completing a doctorate required much more: grit, discipline, support, and a thick skin. She hopes that her channel demystifies the experience of doctoral work for others like her who dream of attaining a terminal degree in their field.

Andy Stapleton

Dr. Stapleton has a Ph.D. in chemistry, and has worked in the private sector as a chemist and in higher education as a tenured professor for ten years, where he conducted research, secured funding, taught and supervised students. He provides a very frank, honest review of how to be successful in a Ph.D. program and as an early career professor/researcher. Several of his videos are devoted to debunking the myths behind conducting and writing research at the doctoral level. He provides audiences with clear-cut strategies for how to write a grant application, how to write your professional portfolio for employment after your Ph.D., how to get your work peer-reviewed, and more.

Grad Coach

Set apart from other channels run by individuals in the field, Grad Coach is an award-winning company devoted to assisting graduate students and early career professors with their writing and research needs. They’ve been recognized by several organizations for their work (AI International, MEA, Tutor’s Association UK, Business Excellence Awards), and boast 100+ years of combined experience with their large team of 15 coaches. This channel cuts straight to the heart of academic writing, offering short, bite-sized videos with clear strategies for how to develop research questions, how to master the academic voice, how to approach different academic styles, crafting the perfect research proposal, and more.

Dr. Amina Yonis

Dr. Yonis first began her channel during her time as a doctoral student, sharing her experiences and connecting with other students around the world. Now, she leads a team of 20 with The Page Doctor, her business devoted to assisting students with their academic writing needs. Her YouTube channel is devoted to inspiring content on how to tackle insurmountable writing tasks found throughout the doctoral journey. She also provides excellent strategies on how to maximize productivity and balance priorities during this process.


Kaelyn Apple is a History and African American studies Ph.D. student at Yale University. She is devoted to using her voice as a gateway – rather than a gatekeeper – to accessible higher education. While Kaelyn offers sound advice for the logistical aspects of writing a thesis or dissertation, she also specializes in writing professional portfolios. Her videos cover how to develop a resume, CV, statement of purpose, and writing samples at the graduate level.

PhD and Productivity

This channel is produced by a Ph.D. student in Dublin, Ireland, who uses her platform to provide tools and strategies for graduate students to organize their writing and research obligations. She also offers tutorials for keyword searches and source management, and teaches her audience how to use tools for notetaking, reading, synthesizing literature, in-field research, and academic writing.

We hope you found these channels helpful and inspiring!

Until next time, dear reader. Happy Writing.

Book Review of “Editor to Author: The Letters of Maxwell E. Perkins”

by Dr. Shireen Khuwaja, Consultant

Few have heard of Maxwell E. Perkins, the twentieth century editor responsible for discovering authors like Hemingway and Fitzgerald. The book Editor to Author: The Letters of Maxwell E. Perkins (Wheelock, 1950) is a compilation of letters written by Perkins to his writers. The following paragraphs outline how Perkins practiced appreciation, support, and humility in his communication as an editor. 

            First, Perkins’ honesty in expressing his appreciation to his authors is a lesson for modern editors. When Perkins had to decline the first manuscript by Fitzgerald with a note to make several modifications and rewrites, he was afraid about demotivating the author and losing him permanently. But when Fitzgerald made the necessary edits and submitted the second version of his manuscript, Perkins expressed his delight and appreciation unreservedly. In his letter of September 16th, 1919, Perkins wrote to Fitzgerald, “I was afraid that when we declined the first manuscript, you might be done with us conservatives. I am glad you are not” (Wheelock, 1950, p. 20). Perkins made the authors feel valued and was known to commit himself completely to guiding authors to the best of their abilities. He did this work wholeheartedly knowing that he would not get any credit for the publications’ success.

            Second, Perkins did not allow his professional stature to cloud personal support for his authors. Perkins’ writers enjoyed a safe space with him, which made him an exemplary mentor. For example, in 1936, when Thomas Wolfe was at an impasse with Scribner’s, Perkins sent a hand-written letter to Wolfe stating, “I never knew a soul with whom I felt I was in such fundamentally complete agreement as you. What’s more… I know you would not ever do an insincere thing, or anything you did not think was right” (Wheelock, 1950, p. 115). This degree of confidence in his writers indicated that Perkins was invested in the professional, as well as personal well-being of his authors.

            Third, Perkins exercised great humility even when humility was least expected from him. In 1943, a book was published on writing and publishing in which the author attacked all editors, specifically Perkins, accusing him of unjustly using his editorial power to adulterate Thomas Wolfe’s work. In representing Scribner’s and all the editors, Perkins wrote a spirited letter informing the accusing author of the legal action that would follow. One would expect a rightfully angry missive, but, even in this letter, Perkins’ humility was extraordinarily evident. Perkins wrote that apart from the sections with allegations and personal attacks, he plans to enjoy the book. He stated, “… from what I have read from the rest of your book… you have said many right and true things that have not been said before. Editors aren’t much, and can’t be. They can only help a writer realize himself…” (Wheelock, 1950, p. 229). In this letter, Perkins was mindful about separating his ego as an editor and addressing the wrongful accusation. Appreciation, support, and humility define Perkins’ authentic self. His letters indicate that he was an editor, not just by profession, but also by character—he ensured redacting his ego from his interactions with people.

            This books highlights the importance of conflict resolution for professional development as a mentor. Editor to Author provides great insight in how to achieve this goal in a sophisticated manner. The first example showed that Perkins’ genuine appreciation allowed him to have an honest relationship with his authors. His authors were open to receiving his critique and their conversations were passionate but not confrontational. I have always believed in appreciating my teammates generously, but now I can be more intentional in my mentorship. In the second example, Perkins expresses his support for his writer wholeheartedly, even when the author was against the very institution Perkins represented. As mentors, we must always keep in mind the adage that a guide on the side is better than a sage on the stage, and empower mentees to own their decisions without feeling pressure or guilt from their editors. As an editor, I must be cognizant in supporting my authors to write about the topics they care about without discouraging them. Regarding the third example, I am forced to ask myself whether I would have the courage to compliment an author on a publication in which I was maligned. The answer currently is no! However, Perkins has set an example for me to rise above myself when managing conflict. Perkins letters will remain a source of inspiration and guidance for me in my mentoring circles and as an editor at my workplace.

When Writer’s Feel “Stuck”: Tips for Overcoming Writer’s Block

by Dr. Kristin Huggins, Consultant

Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash

Writer’s Block is kryptonite for the academic scholar. You finish your coursework for the day, and open your computer to continue drafting the introduction for your article. You stare at the blank screen, the cursor blinking like a ticking time bomb. You have nothing. Your creative energy has been spent, and you’re bringing an empty tank to the table. You close your laptop and tell yourself that you’ll try again tomorrow when your writer’s block has lifted. Except it doesn’t. So you don’t write the next day. Or the next. Until a week goes by. Then another.

Suddenly you’ve missed a whole month of drafting potential. All because of writer’s block.

The truth is that even the most experienced writer (no matter the genre) experiences writer’s block–a term used to describe that “stuck” feeling writers encounter, as if your synapses suddenly stopped firing and you forgot how to form words on a page. And the temptation is to wait it out.

But the reality is that writer’s block is patient. It has all the time in the world. And it can outwait you any day of the week. You, on the other hand, cannot afford to sit and wait for creative genius to strike! You have to go on the offensive, utilizing strategies to become “unstuck”.

If you feel stuck in your writing, try these five strategies below for overcoming writer’s block.

Step Away for a Moment (But ONLY a Moment!)

If you’ve stared at your computer screen for several hours in the last few days, chances are you need to allow your eyes (and brain) to do a soft reset. Stepping away from your workspace and getting sunlight on your face will do wonders for your creative flow. If you’re unable to go outside or leave your desk, simply standing up and stretching for 5 minutes will help encourage blood flow and give your eyes a much-needed break from staring incessantly at the blue screen of your computer.

Try Switching Your Writing Medium

Utilizing various writing mediums is a great way to break through writer’s block and brainstorm new ideas. If you’re writing your paper on a computer, pull out a journal or legal pad and try handwriting the next section of your paper.

I’ve also found it incredibly helpful NOT to write in Microsoft Word. I know this sounds counterintuitive, but I find the process of drafting in Word very intimidating since this is the program I use for final drafts and formatting seminar papers, articles, and book chapters. If I try to begin a writing project in Word, I end up editing as I write, which hinders my creative output.

As a result, I remove myself from this space and draft in a basic writing tool like Wordpad, OneNote, or Notes (for Mac users). These are very basic text-editing programs that don’t carry all the bells, whistles, and pressure that comes with Microsoft Word or Google Docs. Once the initial drafting process is complete, I then copy and paste into Word to begin the revision process! (Plus, it’s always exciting to see my page count expand once I double-space my text.)

Storyboard Your Idea/Thesis/Problem

For my Kinesthetic Drafters: Using a whiteboard or an easel pad can help you conceptualize big-picture items in your work and group categories, themes, and seminal sources accordingly underneath those macro-level items. I find the use of a whiteboard especially helpful when working on a complicated literature review.

Storyboarding also provides a great opportunity for you to test the congruency and linearity of your project by mapping out your work with visuals. If you want to read more about how to use storyboarding to prototype your research project, check out this fantastic article:

Use a Writing Playlist to Generate New Ideas

For my Audio Drafters: Spotify and Youtube are both excellent sources for curating the perfect writing playlist. While drafting the first two chapters of my dissertation, I assigned specific tracks to sections of my literature review and methodology sections, based on the topic, the level of writing required, or how I felt about that particular area of my dissertation draft.

For example, I had a very difficult time working through my historical analysis section of the literature review, compiling vocal pedagogy treatises in several languages from 1592 to 1873. To help with my writing flow in this section, I listened to the soundtrack from Leigh Bardugo’s “Shadow and Bone” Netflix series (deeply rooted in traditional Russian motifs) and the soundtrack to the Elder Scrolls: Skyrim video game (an interesting blend of medieval themes, harpsichord, and lush orchestration). For me, these albums transported me into a similar space as what I was describing in my historical section.

Listen to what makes you feel your best and most creative when you are drafting!

Break Down Your “Drafting To-Do List” into Smaller, More Manageable Tasks

When my cohort began to analyze their data and draft the results chapter of our dissertation, we were completely overwhelmed. It seemed like an insurmountable task: our data didn’t make sense, or the statistical test we planned to run didn’t work because the assumptions failed, or our response rate was skewed. The obstacles standing in our way made it feel as if we would never get done writing up our work.

It was then that a faculty advisor reminded us of her favorite saying: “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.”

And she was right.

When you reframe your focus from your end result (a finished paper/article/thesis/dissertation) to the smaller, bite-sized chunks you need to complete, the impossible suddenly feels possible. Look at your project. Look at the components of your work. What can you tackle today with the time you have available? What steps do you need to take before you can tackle that item? Break things down as small as you can. (Plus, the extra dopamine hit when you remove the to-do item in your planner is a lovely bonus!)

I hope you found these tips for overcoming Writer’s Block helpful! Remember that everyone approaches writing from a different perspective and a different background, so what works for one person may not work for another. Don’t be afraid to try several things to break through your roadblock. Don’t give up!

Happy Writing, Dear Reader.

How To Prepare for Your First GWC Consultation

by Jasmine Stovall, Consultant

Picture it: You’ve been working diligently on a writing project for quite some time and have reached a point in your writing process where you think you could benefit from the feedback of a second set of eyes. You make the very wise decision to reach out the GWC to make an appointment for your very first consultation. You login to the online portal, input all the necessary information, and successfully submit your request. Within a couple days’ time, a consultant contacts you and after a brief e-mail exchange, your appointment is officially set.

So… now what?

Well, I’m glad you asked! If the scenario above sounds like an experience you’ve had or are currently having, you’re going to want to keep reading. This blog post is to serve as a guide for preparing for your first GWC consultation. I will talk about things you can do beforehand to prepare, what you can expect during your consultation, and offer some tips that will be helpful in making you your consultant’s favorite client and ultimately result in a successful, productive consultation session.

Let’s begin by discussing some things to do before your consultation:

  1. Be prompt and communicative – The GWC prides itself on our flexibility and short turnaround time. With that being said, we do operate on a first-come-first-served basis. So, essentially, the more prompt you are in your responses, the sooner you and your consultant can plan to meet. Being prompt and communicative from the first contact is an immediate green flag to consultants because it tells us that you are serious about seeking help, that you want actually want to be here, and that you are intentional when it comes to time and planning. Remember, when it comes to longer documents like dissertations or class assignments with known deadlines, you can make an appointment with a consultant as far in advance as you need to receive assistance in enough time to submit your project by the deadline. Of course, we understand that life happens, and grad student schedules can be unpredictable at times, but generally, communicating with your consultant and being respectful of deadlines (i.e., sending the consultant your document within the requested timeframe) will only help you leading up to your consultation and even after.
  2. Don’t be afraid to make your needs known up front – As consultants, our number one priority is to help you become a stronger, more confident writer, but we can’t help you if we don’t know what you need. So, as you are preparing for your consultation, don’t hesitate to communicate any specific needs you may have or anything you’d like us to pay close attention to as we read. Worried about whether your argument is clear and consistent throughout? We can help with that. Need help organizing your thoughts into an outline? We’ve got your back. Struggling with word choice and transitions in your intro? No worries. Or maybe you want us to focus specifically on the organization and sentence structure of your discussion section and only read the remaining sections if time allows? Can do. This allows us as consultants to be more intentional about how we allocate our reading time. When we can focus specifically on your requests, it makes for a more productive meeting overall and ensures that we are meeting your needs to the best of our ability.
  3. Set goals for yourself and for the meeting – This one is self-explanatory. Make some time beforehand to set goals and have an idea of what you hope to accomplish over the course of the meeting. If you have clear expectations for yourself and your consultant, the meeting is generally more productive. 
  4. Provide your consultant with any supplemental materials – In addition to your document, we encourage clients to send us anything else they think might be helpful in understanding the nature of the assignment. Whether it be a rubric, assignment description or instructor feedback, the more information we have regarding the context of your project before we begin reading, the more tailored your feedback will be.

Now that you are well prepared for your consultation, let’s talk about some things you can do during your appointment to get the most out of your session:

  1. Don’t be afraid to take the driver’s seat – While we are here to help you, we also want you to take ownership of your writing and your GWC experience. You are free to lead the meeting to ensure that you get out of it what you want to get out of it.
  2. Keep an open mind and be open to suggestions – As consultants, we are here to serve you and do what we can to provide feedback that will strengthen your paper. However, keep in mind that our suggestions really are just suggestions, not law. That means you can take or leave them, no harm no foul. Even still, I would encourage you to make it a point to at least be open to new ideas and changing the way you think about communicating your ideas and the practice of writing in general.
  3. Be open to both asking and answering questions – Some of the most productive consultations come from discussion and collaboration. While we are your consultant, we are also your peers. Some of my most enjoyable meetings have been a result of me feeling as though I am talking with my client rather than at them.  
  4. Come with questions – Our job as consultants is to not only help you improve the piece of writing for which you are seeking feedback, but also to make you a stronger writer overall. This means your questions do not have to be limited to your project by any means. We welcome broad writing questions as well with hopes that our session will help you write with more confidence for this piece and all those to come.

Here are some final thoughts and additional tips for success in your first consultation:

  1. Don’t feel like your writing has to be perfect or even complete before you meet with us – Part of our job is to help you get to the finish line (or as close to it as possible) at any point in the writing process. The finish line looks different for everyone. For some it may mean going from an outline to full paragraphs, while for others it could mean reviewing a polished article ready to be submitted to a journal for review. Either way, it is perfectly acceptable to seek help with a work in progress as opposed to a finished product.
  2. Remember that vulnerability is a part of the process – Writing is personal. When you think about big writing projects such as dissertations and theses that often are a result of research that has been years in the making, your connection to it goes deeper than just the words on the page, it means something to you. Therefore, it takes a lot of courage to surrender something you’ve put so much of yourself into to a stranger placing yourself at the mercy of their feedback. Keep that in mind as you go into your consultation and remember that while it may not seem like it in the moment, being vulnerable makes for a stronger, better you in the long run.

As with most things in life, showing up is the hardest part, and if you’ve managed to successfully do that then you’re already winning in my book. The same principle applies to your first GWC consultation. Start by showing up. Communicate your needs, set your goals, take ownership, keep an open mind, and let the rest the unfold from there. I hope after reading this you feel equipped with the necessary tools and confident in your abilities to prepare for a stellar first consultation with the GWC.

5 Podcasts for All Academic Writers

by Dr. Kristin Huggins, Consultant

**These podcasts are not GWC partners, nor is this post an official endorsement of these podcasts. These resources are merely helpful tools that some of our consultants have found personally beneficial in their own work.**

Calling all podcast and audiobook enthusiasts! If you are a graduate student or early-career professional with a long laundry list of writing projects ahead of you, you need to integrate these podcasts into your weekly routine!

When I began my doctoral journey at Baylor, I felt overwhelmed by the nuances and unspoken rules of academic writing. I had amazing professors, advisors, and writing consultants to help me find my feet, but I knew it would take much more to feel confident as an academic writer. Which is how I stumbled across the academic writing niche of podcasting.

Apparently, I was not alone. I discovered that there were several podcast channels dedicated to helping graduate students, early-career professionals, and tenure-track professors succeed as academic writers. Fast forward three years later, and the number of channels has exponentially increased! We are not alone!

Whether you are a seasoned podcast listener or a newbie, consider integrating these channels into pockets of your day: when you commute to work, when you workout, when you cook dinner, when you take a walk around campus… However and wherever you listen, the act of listening will help you not feel so isolated and overwhelmed with what’s in front of you.

The Academic Writing Amplified Podcast, by Dr. Cathy Mazak, Ph.D.

Description: This is a great podcast for doctoral students nearing the end of their dissertation process, and for early career faculty looking to secure tenure while maintaining a healthy publication pipeline. In addition to her podcasts, Dr. Mazak also offers several programs through her website The Scholar’s Voice, that provides coaching opportunities and writing groups to scholars of all levels.

Defend and Publish Podcast, by Christine Tully, Sr. Writing Coach

Description: This is my absolute favorite podcast to listen to on my way to work. Her episodes are “bite-sized” and much more approachable than others in terms of content and length of time. I also appreciate that her content revolves primarily around academic writing, and rarely dabbles in graduate student lifestyle topics like other podcasts. I already know I need to drink water, so give me a podcast that helps me tackle that systematic literature review, please!!

Hello PhD, by Dr. Joshua Hall and Dr. Daniel Arneman, Ph.D.s

Description: If you’re a STEM student or recent graduate, this is the podcast for you! Led by a duo of quirky, hilarious scientists, this podcast jumps between writing for STEM, field research tips, postdoc advice, and common research traps in the sciences. I believe their earlier episodes document their experiences at the end of their Ph.D. journey just before they defended. Check out their website for the full listing of episodes.

Office Hours with Dr. Lacy, by Dr. Marvette Lacy, Ph.D.

Description: What I appreciate the most about Dr. Lacy is that she doesn’t sugarcoat the truth. When I was stuck in my dissertation and tempted to throw myself a pity party, Dr. Lacy pulled me out of it with hard love and great tips for academic writing practices. This is a great podcast for those of you who are mid-way through your doctorate program and are diving into the first drafts of your second and third chapters.

The Happy Doc Student, by Dr. Heather Frederick, Ph.D.

Description: When you do need a virtual hug, Dr. Frederick is the gal for you. She bases her podcast content on her horrible experiences as a doctoral student, in the hopes that by sharing her story she will save some of us from the same pitfalls and traps. Honestly, this is a great podcast for scholars of all levels, in that she reviews writing tips and research strategies while also covering topics like work/life balance, mental health, and maintaining your relationships during your doctoral journey. This is the rom com of academic writing podcasts: you leave feeling warm and fuzzy inside! 

What I’ve learned as a Writing Consultant (And as a Writer)

by Kristin Huggins, Consultant

This week marks the first anniversary of my time with the Graduate Writing Center as a Writing Consultant. A whole year. How did that happen?! I’m not sure whether the concept of time has altered due to the state of our post-pandemic world, because of my doctoral work with the School of Education (a venture that arguably feels as if it will never end), or simply because life at 35 is now punctuated by a series of rapid-fire changes that one must face with an alarming blend of nonchalance and alacrity.

This year has undoubtedly been marked by growth and change. Twelve months after my first day at the GWC, I no longer feel like the same woman, writer, or consultant.

I remember my first consultation. Within the first five minutes of meeting my client over Zoom, I felt sure that my supervisor had made a mistake when they hired me. I wasn’t ready. I didn’t know what I was doing. I didn’t have all the answers, and I certainly wasn’t the best writer in my program. As I shared my screen and dove into my client’s document, the grips of Imposter Syndrome began to tighten. Maybe I could ask for another week to study the GWC training resources more. Maybe I could pretend I died and move to Portugal. I had to do something other than sit here and masquerade as a writing consultant to graduate students and – shock of all shocks – professors?!

Now I look back on that first consultation and smile. Growing pains are natural in any profession, and this was no exception. Spoiler alert: I didn’t fake my own death and move to Portugal. I slogged my way through that first meeting. And then another. And another. Until I finally found my groove. And somewhere along the way, I discovered what it meant to be a “good” Writing Consultant (and, in turn, how to be a “good” writer):

  1. Listen first, write second.
  2. All writers are communicators. Not all are experts. And that’s okay.
  3. Writing (and consulting) is grounded in the human experience.

Listen First, Write Second

Early on, I felt pressure to lead consultations with a clearly defined “plan” or “agenda.” I developed a list of macro- and micro-level concerns with each document, intending to walk my clients through these issues methodically during our time together. While there isn’t necessarily anything wrong with this idea, I quickly found that my idea of where we should begin and where my clients felt we should start the meeting didn’t always align. Often, they would pose questions that I hadn’t considered and that certainly didn’t fit my “plan.” I had to pivot.

For your reference, dear reader: I am not a “pivot” person.

However, after making concessions and altering my routine consultation plan, I discovered that clients were happier and felt more confident at the end of our time together when they had the option to “drive” the meeting with their questions and concerns.

The same concept is true for writers. How often do we write ourselves into a box – a methodology, a theoretical framework, a seminal source that we feel CERTAIN will spell our success… only to discover a hiccup in our “plan” and the need to altogether scrap and restart the process. Writing, after all, is similar to the human experience. It is not a static activity. It alters, shifts, and evolves as we discover threads unseen or narratives unheard. Writers must approach the act of writing with the same concession to LISTEN FIRST, and write second.

All Writers are Communicators. Not All are Experts. And That’s Okay!

Another mistake I made in my early days of consulting was the idea that “writing consultant” was synonymous with “writing expert.” I studied for hours before my first meeting, pouring over various style guides, exemplars of document reviews, and tips and tricks provided by senior consultants. To this day, remembering rules for Turabian footnotes (a style I rarely traverse professionally or academically) is the stuff of nightmares for me.

But my clients didn’t need an expert. They needed help communicating with their audiences, which was an entirely different skill set altogether. Was their argument clear? How would their audience interpret this statement? How was the readability of that section? Did this make sense?

It was as if clients needed a translator, not a consultant, who could take the intent straight from their cerebral cortex and translate it into comprehensible words on a page.

This was not what I expected. But maybe it should have been. How often had I stared at a blank Word document on my computer, willing the words to transpose themselves from my brain to the page through sheer will? And how helpful would it have been if someone had told me that it didn’t have to be perfect – that I didn’t have to be an expert at the craft or the content? That simply starting the act of writing and following it through was a feat unto itself.

Don’t worry about being an expert. Talk to your audience. If you focus on the act of communication and not perfection, you can consider yourself a successful writer.

Writing is Grounded in the Human Experience

Echoes of my mother ring in my ears: “mind your manners,” “follow the golden rule, Kristin,” or “you attract flies with honey, not vinegar.” As a child, the last one didn’t sit well with me; why would I want to attract flies? It was only later when I sat in a one-on-one meeting with a director who was tearing apart my most recent work in an opera production that I realized what my mother was trying to impart to me at such a young age: success and growth hinge on collaboration, and effective collaboration only happens when all parties treat one another with basic human decency.

As a Writing Consultant, I quickly discovered that humility, transparency, and kindness removed barriers to creativity (perceived or inherent) during the consultation and writing processes.

This should seem obvious – after all, no consultant goes into a session with the intent to bulldoze clients with their work. Rather, my eagerness as a new consultant to dive into the writing led me to neglect other areas of hospitality and relational learning that are equally as important as identifying hanging participles.

Likewise, as writers we have an ethical obligation to our intended audience to write with humility and respect, no matter the subject. By approaching the act of writing as an extension of the human experience, we acknowledge the imperfections of our craft while simultaneously situating our content through the lens of humanism.

Final Thoughts

Do I live up to these ideals? Not always. I’m an imperfect creature. But knowing the recipe at least gives me guidelines to aspire to as I continue to forge relationships with writing clients and hone my academic writing skills. Someday, I hope to make these ideals as natural as breathing air. But like any craft, consistent practice is the key to progress, not perfection.

Keep writing, dear readers.

Book Review: How to Write a Scientific Paper: An Academic Self-Help Guide for PhD Students by Jari Saramäki

by Jasmine Stovall, Consultant

This book is a self-help guide written for the PhD student who is ready to begin writing a scientific journal article, but maybe doesn’t have a plan, doesn’t know how to begin putting words on paper, is having trouble developing a story to communicate their findings clearly and effectively, or all the above. Although only about 100 pages in length, this short read is jam-packed full of valuable, easily digestible information that you will find yourself referring to each time you begin a new writing project in STEM fields.

If you are like me (and every other busy PhD student) and don’t have the time to devote to a 100-page read at this very moment, keep reading for the TL;DR version of the book. While I do still recommend reading the book in its entirety, I’m going to give you the highlights.

The book is organized into sections outlining the writing process with a top-down approach from determining the story you intend to tell to dealing with reviewer comments and everything in between. This makes it easily navigable for a reader who may prefer to skip around. Saramäki helps with abstract and title writing, emphasizes the importance of outlining, offers a detailed how-to for writing each section of the IMRAD framework, gives tips for writing and editing your first draft, and even offers information on how to write a cover letter.

The following is summary of the sections of the book:

  1. What is your story?
    • Identify the key point and main take home message of your results. You should be able to convey this in two sentences maximum.
    • Choose your supporting information keeping in mind that your choices should support the key point and/or emphasize the significance of your main result. Anything that doesn’t satisfy one or both of those criteria should be excluded.Write your abstract using the hourglass method.
    • Write the title of the manuscript ensuring the selected title corresponds with the information presented in the abstract. 
  2. Outline, outline, outline!
    • Visualize the outline of your paper. This includes determining the order in which to present your results, selecting your figures and drafting their associated captions, and writing the main points of each section of the IMRAD framework.
    • Once visualized, materialize your outline by drafting the paragraphs of your paper. Use your outline as a guide to turn sentences (or bullet points that describe the main idea of each paragraph and the supporting content) into full paragraphs ensuring that each paragraph discusses one main point at a time.
  3. Write, revise…then revise again.
    • Fill in the gaps of your paragraphs from the previous steps to make for a complete first rough draft. Be mindful of your paragraph structure, making sure that the first sentence introduces the topic of the paragraph and that each sentence of the paragraph and each paragraph of the paper builds upon the next.
    • Revise your rough draft from a content and structure perspective. Don’t get too into the nitty gritty mechanics quite yet. Make sure the focus is clear and consistent throughout and that the story you tell through your results and discussion answers the question you pose in the introduction.Perform sentence level revisions on the rough draft. Pay close attention to word choice, ensuring that your sentences are logical, meaningful, and necessary to move the reader through your argument or story. Employ science writing best practices such as putting the subject and verb close together, writing in active voice, avoiding run-on sentences, keeping your language simple, and avoiding turning verbs into nouns.
    • Revise, rinse, repeat. Keep clarity, readability, and the overall quality of your story at the forefront of your mind. Pass your manuscript along to a second, third, even a fourth set of eyes for edits and comments. This could be your co-authors, PI, lab mates, or the GWC *hint hint* 🙂 Receiving feedback from people both inside and outside of your field of expertise allows you to assess whether enough background and context exists for any reader to not only understand but also appreciate your story.
  4. The moment of truth: Journal submission and reviewer comments
    • First, congratulate yourself for making it to this point. You’ve come a long way!
    • Write your cover letter.Submit your paper and wait for a decision. Exhale.
    • When you receive your feedback, remember to breathe. If it helps to open it up with someone by your side, do that. If you feel emotional, walk away from it until you feel you can approach it with a fresh, calm mind. Work with your advisor and co-authors to determine what the editor wants and what edits need to be made to satisfy your reviewers. Then, you guessed it, revise. Write your rebuttal letter with confidence. Then, resubmit.

Overall, I found this book to be extremely helpful and well worth the read as a GWC consultant but even more so as it pertains to my own writing as a PhD student in STEM. This book especially resonated with me because writing is a necessary skill for all academic disciplines, STEM included. Yet somehow, within the STEM community, there is this unspoken truth that writing is rarely ever explicitly taught to graduate students. Rather, it is perceived by students as something we are supposed to enter grad school already knowing or just pick up along the way. As a result, we may feel inadequate as both a scientist and a writer if we fail to do so. Saramäki’s book addresses this problem head on. The system that he lays out is effective in that it, “forces you to focus on the right things at the right time, one thing at a time,” ultimately alleviating the feeling of overwhelm and the fear of the blank page. I find from personal experience and working with clients that this is often the most difficult part. If you’re interested in the full text, it is available for purchase on Amazon at a grad-student-budget-friendly price. I hope you have found the information here useful, and that after reading you feel more motivated and confident as a writer to tell your story; good science stories deserve to be heard!

Citation: Saramäki, Jari. (2018). How to write a scientific paper: An academic self-help guide for PhD students.

Start STRONG: How to Create a Semester Writing Plan

by Kristin Huggins, Consultant

Photo by Dom Fou on Unsplash

The start of the spring semester is one part magic and two parts chaos. Christmas flew by in a peppermint-coated blur, and you suddenly find yourself standing on campus surrounded by the living organism of academia – crowds of students, staff, and faculty swarming about as if Christmas break had never happened. Your nerves are on edge with a new schedule of classes, filled with new colleagues, and the distinct feeling that you are forgetting something as you navigate your new Spring 2023 routine.

Such feelings are not restricted to the student experience. Even as a professor, I still get the tell-tale nightmare the night before the first day of class. Most recently, I dreamt that I mixed up the room numbers of my first class, teaching Italian Diction to a group of terrified History 101 undergrads who were too sweet to correct me for the first 15 minutes. Waking up with sweaty, shaking hands, I launched out of bed at 3am to log in and check my room assignment, still muttering the lyrics to “Si, mi chiamano Mimì” under my breath.

But amidst nightmares, nerves, and chaos is the true magic of the new semester: a fresh start. Today, you can set yourself up for the best chance at writing success. Take stock of the impending deadlines set before you: how many term papers, literature reviews, research proposals, book chapter proposals, articles, or pages of your thesis/dissertation are required to claw your way out of Spring 2023 alive and whole? While you may not be able to complete these projects up front without copious amounts of reading and in-class preparation, you are uniquely positioned to create a Semester Plan that will guide you through the minefield of writing projects.

To create a productive Semester Writing Plan, follow these four steps:

  1. Map out all semester writing deadlines to determine which you can start early
  2. Plan out your weekly writing blocks
  3. Use early readings as a launchpad for establishing a writing reflection routine
  4. Find a Peer Writing Group to establish consistent writing habits with peer accountability

Map Semester Deadlines & Start Early

Your syllabus and course schedules are your lifeline. Grab onto them with both hands and stay afloat! By now, you should have one or both of these documents from your professors. Set time aside this week to look at them collectively and map out how your deadlines fall throughout the spring calendar.

Take note of weeks where you have multiple deadlines stacked on top of one another. Determine whether you can start early on some of these assignments to save you the headache and long nights later. In some classes (especially Humanities and Social Sciences), you may be able to go ahead and start taking notes on the prompts given for term papers or discussion assignments.

Plan Weekly Writing Blocks

Balancing coursework with personal and professional obligations is a constant struggle, no matter your field or discipline. Like many graduate students, I imagine you are working off of a full plate. Take time this week to look at your weekly responsibilities and determine when you have free blocks of time that could be devoted to writing.

For example, my Tuesdays and Thursdays are filled with studio voice lessons for music majors and musical theatre students. On these days, I have an hour before lessons and an hour mid-day free, but those are my only available blocks. Based on prior teaching experience and knowing my body, my productivity would be best served by using those hours for studio prep and grabbing lunch! Teaching voice is a very physical activity, and if I chose to forgo my lunch in favor of writing, I’d be doing my voice students a disservice and putting my body in harm’s way. Instead, I can reserve writing hours on my non-teaching days, allowing me the office time to sit with my work and chase rabbit trails when needed.

Launch Writing Reflection Routine with Early Readings

Writing and reading make up a two-sided coin in academia. If your class requires copious amounts of writing, chances are you will also be given a heavy reading list. Resist the temptation early in the semester to fly through your reading requirements that don’t have a corresponding writing component. The reading completed early in the semester will likely culminate into the backbone of that term paper or literature review you’ll have to write in a few months. Grab yourself a writing journal and take notes as you read. Jot down your reactions to arguments and copy any quotes that stand out. If a piece reminds you of another author’s work, make a note of that and try to explain how the two are connected. Don’t wait until the week before your paper to do this work!

Find a Peer Writing Group

Before I get things thrown at me by the introverts in the crowd, let me assure you that I am NOT one for group activities. I hate breakout rooms in Zoom. I hate group projects in class. Quite frankly, I would rather eat my own hair. However, despite these professions of introversion, I am a huge advocate for finding a group of peers with whom you can work, write, and share.

Peer writing groups don’t have to be formalized through your program or the GWC. They can be friends you’ve made as a graduate student, preferably those who also share the heavy burden of academic writing deadlines. Regardless of how the group is formed, I have one piece of advice to make this worth your time: consistency. Whether meeting at the library or a local coffee shop (Fabled and Dichotomy are my favorites in Waco), or connecting for an hour via Zoom for quiet writing time, make it happen consistently so that you form the habit and keep one another accountable.

Finally, as you craft your ideal Semester Writing Plan, don’t forget to utilize the resources and support services the Graduate Writing Center provides! Several workshops will be available throughout the semester, highlighting topics of interest explicitly targeting the Graduate Writer. If you are looking for one-on-one assistance with your writing needs, submit a GWC Request to schedule an appointment with one of our writing consultants! Our consultants are here to help you become a productive, articulate academic writer–no matter the discipline or academic style guide!

Welcome back, dear readers, and have a lovely spring semester!