by Madhur Wyatt, Consultant

My dear multilingual friend,
You have significantly more grey matter in your brain because you are multilingual. Your cognitive muscles only get stronger, bigger, and more flexible when you take up the challenge of writing your next project in English. Your superior abilities to concentrate and problem-solve will take you places. But right now, you need to focus your attention on expressing yourself effectively. No point in research if it cannot be communicated to the big wide world in a clear manner. I have some tips and tricks for you, suggestions from a multilingual friend to a multilingual friend.
- Funnel from big to small
Focus your attention on the big picture. Be very clear on “What” is your project and “Why” is it important? What are you trying to communicate to your audience? Are you making sound arguments to support or refute your main idea? Once your foundation of “what and why” is laid, you can then proceed to smaller details of grammar, syntax, and word choice. So, don’t get stuck in the weeds, look at the big picture first.
- You will GROW, but not in a vacuum
Observe how other authors in your field write (aka. Reference texting). What type of language and word choices do they use? How do they organize their ideas? What is their layout? What tone do they use? How do they support/refute an argument? But never copy it. Use your talent, own your style, and go for it.
- You will need an early head-start
You may think that you can write an essay the night before the deadline. But a succinct expression of the language may take longer. An early start to your project will give you plenty of time to organize ideas, write them up, receive feedback from Graduate Writing Center (GWC), talk about your project with peers, make edits, and meet the deadline with significantly less pressure and stress.
- Embrace friendship with the GWC
We are with you through thick and thin. GWC is your friend, and our team at GWC understands your being multilingual. We support your project in two ways. 1. We are outsiders. We may see something you may miss because of your super focus niche. 2. We are writing consultants trained in multilingualism. We have slightly more practice at writing and can provide very useful insights. You and all your friends can benefit from us. We have your back!
- Love the turtle-pace
I’m sure it took you a long time to adjust to a new culture. Writing eloquently in English can take longer. Be patient. Proficiency and expertise will not happen right away. Medical doctors continue to practice for decades to constantly reflect and evolve in patient care. Writing will be yours to practice long-term!
- Create fun add-ons to your learning
Make it fun. Talk about your research with peers, have weekly tea/coffee/lunch with an English-speaking friend, host movie nights, read love novels or mystery books, or find a mentor. If you have other suggestions on how to immerse yourself in the language, please comment below.