The People’s Opinion

The following documents demonstrate the general public’s views on Eugenics and Sterilization.

Keep the following questions in mind while you read:

  • Are the opinions of the people the same? Why or why not?

  • What are the people concerned about?

  • Do you share their concerns?

1. Newspaper Article about Eugenics Rally in 1915

“‘Horrible Examples’ Parade to Further Fight for Eugenics and Birth Control”

The day book. (Chicago, Ill.), 30 Oct. 1915. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.<>

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Click to enlarge







Reading Questions

  1. When was this article written? 
  2. What does the author of this article say about eugenics? What is his perspective on eugenics?
  3. Is this article a credible source? Why or why not?
  4.  Why do the people in this rally support eugenics?
  5.  How do eugenics and birth control go together?
  6. Is this a violent portrayal of Eugenics? What makes you think so?
  7. Do you agree or disagree with their reasoning?


2. Newspaper Article about the Sterilization of a Man in 1915

“First Sterilization Brought Tragedy”

The day book. (Chicago, Ill.), 17 Nov. 1915. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress. <>
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Click to enlarge






Reading Questions

  1. Briefly summarize this article.
  2. Who wrote this article? What do you know about the newspaper? What biases might this paper have?
  3. What does this article tell you about what some people in the late 1910s thought of forced sterilization?
  4. Does this article address both sides of the issue? If not, why do you think that it does this?
  5. According to the article, what were the impacts of forced sterilization? Were they just physical? Why do you think there were other consequences?
  6. According to the principles of  Eugenics, why was this man sterilized?
  7. If you were this man, what would you have done? Why?

3. Political Cartoon of the Eugenics Tree of Life

Eugenics tree logo :: DNA Learning Center. (n.d.). Retrieved November 05, 2017, from
Click to enlarge

Reading Questions

  1. When was this created?
  2. What is going on in the picture?
  3. Write down all the words that you see.
  4. List everything image from the cartoon.
  5. What does this mean? Why might this be important?
  6. Why do you believe that Eugenists would choose this image as their symbol?
  7. Why do they call Eugenics a “harmonious entity”?