Competency-based Products for MPH Practicum ePortfolio: Elysa Matthea Roces Atmosfera |
Product 1:
Fitness Advisor Training Curriculum for Waco Family Medicine – Exercise Prescription Program
Competency: MPH Foundational (MPHb) and Community Health Concentration (CHc) Competency |
MPH: #6 – Discuss the means by which structural bias, social inequities and racism undermine health and create challenges to achieving health equity at organizational, community and societal levels. | |
MPH: #7 – Assess population needs, assets and capacities that affect communities’ health | |
MPH: #8 – Apply awareness of cultural values and practices to the design or implementation of public health policies or programs | |
MPH: #9 – Design a population-based policy, program, project or intervention. | |
MPH: #18 – Select communication strategies for different audiences and sectors. | |
MPH: #20 – Describe the importance of cultural competence in communicating public health content. | |
MPH: #21 – Perform effectively on interprofessional teams. | |
CH: #1 – Describe factors that influence the process by which people learn. | |
CH: #2 – Describe factors that enhance or impede the process of health education/promotion. | |
Product 2:
Process and Impact Evaluation survey(s) for the Fitness Advisory Training. |
Competency: MPH Foundational (MPHb) and Community Health Concentration (CHc) Competency |
MPH: #9 – Design a population-based policy, program, project or intervention. | |
MPH: #11 – Select methods to evaluation public health programs. | |
MPH: #18 – Select communication strategies for different audiences and sectors. | |
MPH: #19 – Communicate audience-appropriate public health content, both in writing and through oral presentation. | |
MPH: #21 – Perform effectively on inter professional teams. | |
CH: #5 – Design goals and objectives that guide health promotion and evaluation plans | |
CH: #6 – Integrate implementation methods into a health education/promotion plan. | |
CH: #7 – Develop an evaluation plan for health education/promotion. |