The products I produced were two interprofessional trainings and a Fitness Advisor Pre- and Post-Training Questionnaire. The first training titled: Public and Community Health Training for Fitness Advisors and included the topics: 9 Dimensions of Wellness, Social Determinants of Health, Waco Community and Cultural Humility, and Public and Community Health Behavior Change Theories. The second training titled: Empowering Your Patients included the topics: Motivational Interviewing, Goal Setting, and Self-Regulation Strategies. These trainings align with Waco Family Medicine’s mission and vision to serve and improve the wellness of underserved and vulnerable populations and to educate and train future physicians and health care professionals with an emphasis on compassion and culturally-sensitive care. Through consideration of communication strategies amongst interprofessional collaboration and communication strategies amongst professionals and clients and the topics covered within the trainings are significant in targeting MPH foundational competencies 6, 8, 9, 18, 20, and 21 as well as Community Health (CH) concentration competencies 1 and 2.
The Fitness Advisor Pre- and Post-Training Questionnaire provided insight concerning the change in the confidence level of Fitness Advisors’ concerning the various topics covered. This product serves to determine the effectiveness and potential benefit of the two trainings for future Waco Family Medicine Fitness Advisor orientations. Although an evaluation program exists for the Exercise Prescription Program the measurement of change in level of confidence are significant in targeting MPH foundation competencies 9, 11, 18, 19, and 21 as well as CH competencies 5 and 6.
These practicum products and the targeted MPH foundational and CH competencies are significant to my career plan of maintaining my Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) license, being a health resource for others, as either an educator within a university or a community health educator within a public health setting, and creating, implementing, and evaluating awareness and education presentations for various audience types.