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Background of the Global Goals

Since the beginning of time societies have been developing and advancing at an accelerated rate. It seems as if in a blink of an eye society advances from transportation by solely horse drawn carriages to the numerous means of transpiration by airplanes, trains, automobiles, boats, subways and the list goes on and on. In addition to the previously listed advancements our societies have progressed from small towns to metropolises, from high mortality rates and short average life spans to low mortality rates and prolonged average life spans. However, these facts are deemed true generally for developed countries with “stable” government and economy.

The other countries that are on a slower rate of development are categorized as developing countries. Thus due to the trend of these developing countries not being able to keep up with the high-speed advancement of developed countries “the United Nations Millennium Campaign, started in 2002, supports and inspires people from around the world to take action in support of the Millennium Development Goals (UN News Center).” UN Secretary General Kofi Annan established and initiated the campaign that was adopted by 189 world leaders from both rich and poor countries.

Delving more into the specifics about the campaign, according to the United Nations website, “The eight Millennium Development Goals – which range from halving extreme poverty to halting the spread of HIV/AIDS and providing universal primary education, all by the target date of 2015 – form a blueprint agreed to by all the world’s countries and all the world’s leading development institutions. They have galvanized unprecedented efforts to meet the needs of the world’s poorest.”

The Eight Millennium Development Goals are:

1) Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger

2) Achieve Universal Primary Education

3) Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women

4) Reduce Child Mortality

5) Improve Maternal Health

6) Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Other Diseases

7) Ensure Environmental Sustainability

8) Global Partnership for Development

There has been remarkable progress made under the 8 Millennium Development Goals however the ultimate goal was not reached. As a result the member states of the United Nations had to meet again and reach an agreement on a new sustainable development agenda post-2015 Millennium Development Goals.

According to Consensus Reached on New Sustainable Development Agenda to be Adopted by World Leaders in September, an article posted August 2, 2015 on the End Poverty 2015 website “concluding a negotiating process that has spanned more than two years and has featured the unprecedented participation of civil society, countries agreed to an ambitious agenda that features 17 new sustainable development goals that aim to end poverty, promote prosperity and people’s well-being while protecting the environment.”

On September 25, 2015, 193 world leaders will committed to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, a set of ambitious targets to end extreme poverty, fight inequality and injustice, and address climate change.

For clarity purposes, there are two names for the goals that have been interchangeably used:

The Sustainable Development Goals


The Global Goals for Sustainable Development or for short, Global Goals

The 17 New Global Goals are:

1) No Poverty

2) Zero Hunger

3) Good Health and Well-Being

4) Quality Education

5) Gender Equality

6) Clean Water and Sanitation

7) Affordable and Clean Energy

8) Decent Work and Economic Growth

9) Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

10) Reduced Inequalities

11) Sustainable Cities and Communities

12) Responsible Consumption and Production

13) Climate Action

14) Life Below Water

15) Life on Land

16) Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

17) Partnerships for the Goals

Even through my extensive research  on The Global Goals, I unfortunately came across comments posted on YouTube videos containing information about The Global Goals that strongly opposed the United Nations declaration and implementation of them. These comments made my heart sink and forced me to contemplate even more about my  stance on the topic of The Global Goals. I understand their perspective that with the establishment of these Global Goals it appears that there is a beginning of a New World Order however I am skeptical if these individuals are forming these beliefs because they have been hurt by the government, angry with those who are more wealthier than they are, or are truly educating themselves about these issues.

I believe that the Global Goals are a good stepping stone in the combating of these prevalent issues. However, it is fully up to each individual whether he or she would like to put in their support. I do not believe in other people bad mouthing the efforts that people in the United Nations are trying to take. There is data that supports that the issues are being dealt with and yes there are individuals who abuse the power that they have for selfish gain, but we cannot generalize the many for the faults and flaws of a few. I cannot continue assuming the perspectives of these individuals but I can definitely state my own opinion and belief.

I believe that these Global Goals even if they may not be met by 2030 will make our world a better place. It has been seen that the Eight Millennium Development did make an impact even though they were not accomplished by the intended date.

I will do my part by donating to non-profit organizations that I know are honestly working towards making a difference in the World. For example, I believe in the mission and vision of World Vision and know for a fact that because they are a non-profit organization founded  on Christian Principles that every action taken is in alignment with glorifying God.

I encourage everyone who has a mind to research an issue that they are passionate about, uncover those organizations who are truly making a difference in that area, and do their part in supporting them. This is how we can all truly make a difference, being educated about the various things that are happening through out our world, forming our own opinions and beliefs then acting upon them.

Published inLEAD CapstoneResearch