During this Lead class I have learned and taken away 3 points:
- Be Authentic
- “Think of how can I accomplish it instead of I can’t”
- Be an Advocate
From learning and expanding my knowledge about the various Leadership Approaches, Theories, and Styles and the numerous inspirational, and reflective speakers I have shaped my Leadership Philosophy. This Philosophy is influenced by everything that I have learned this past semester and the 3 points that I am taking away from this period of learning, growth, and maturation.
During the lead class and the authentic leadership chapter I could not help but be inspired by First Lady Betty Ford who is by far one of the most prominent individuals classified as exhibiting an Authentic Leadership Style. Betty Ford stayed true to her core values and talked about the controversial topics instead of trying to avoid them like previous politicians. Betty Ford “was an outspoken woman and authentically answered what she thought.” Her story is very inspiring especially not being shameful of her life struggles. She dealt with them and made sure that they went away not just for her good but the good of her family. She spoke publicly about them and did not care what others thought because the people need to see that these high up individuals also have problems and also take charge of them and deal with them like everyone else. And what Betty said is something that I will always keep dear to my heart, “I don’t think there is anything as wonderful in life as being able to help someone else.” And all in all this is why being authentic is one huge point that I will be taking away and in addition of being authentic what kind of individual desires a leader who is not real and standing by what they believe in firmly.
So the next point of changing my perspective to thinking about HOW I can accomplish something instead of thinking of I CAN’T. This point was hinted at throughout the first lecture however at the final lecture this point was prominent. It is unbelievable how accurate it is that the only reason why many things are not being done to change steadfast ideals is because people keep thinking of the ways they will not be able to accomplish it instead of thinking of all the possible ways they can accomplish it. From the first speaker event by Reverend Dr. Katherine Bassard said: we need to speak for those who are those that are the minorities of society. We need to see beyond and the other side of life that others fail to see. We are put on this earth and at this point of time for a reason so if we are the one God has called to speak for those who cannot speak then we are to do so in any and all ways possible because if there is a will there is always a way. There is always a way something can be accomplished. And being able to speak for those who are lesser than us and just need that voice leads me to my next point that I will take away. Which is to be an advocate.
Sometimes leader lose sight that one duty that they have is to be advocate. From Dr, Suzii Paynter. He whole idea was advocating for the least of these. And not many people can advocate for themselves like I said before. And even though that your process for achievement through advocating for someone else may look like it is not possible with persistence and faith that it will happen. It the end your labor will yield fruition. This is what I took from her message. Each leader needs to stand by his or her values and advocate them because if no one else will step up to the plate to do so we need to do so. There might not be anyone supporting us as first but that is the thing leaders begin from standing alone to having many people support them. It is being authentic, persistent, and rallying others to have the same passion to gain supporters. And the best leaders not only see their vision as their own but embody the vision of everyone who supports them.