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Round 3: October 1, 2014

Today there were twice  as many people as the previous week. Not only were there twice as many people they were mostly new people. Hopefully these people who have attended today will come back next week. AMSA volunteers were very efficient this morning. We packed all the bags from both assembly lines in 30 minutes! It was great, therefore twice as many people half the time to pack the bags. Imagine how long it would take if there were 3 times the amount of people who were there for the next week. We would probably finish in about 15 minutes. However this morning I was able to catch a ride with the Service Chair for AMSA, and he was explaining more about the history between AMSA and Pack of Hope. Apparently, AMSA is the only regular and consistent volunteers for Pack of Hope. And AMSA Baylor University has grown with Pack of Hope. The service chair who found Pack of Hope years ago established a faithful partnership. We were with them when they were only up and running for about 6 months. The group of individuals who founded this organization are advocates for those children in need. I love being a part of this and hope that those after me continue this long established partnership with Pack of Hope.

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