
Wearables provide a lot of convenience for locating someone you care so much, for keeping track of your health information so that you could alter your ways and habits to be more healthily orientated. Nevertheless, one thing has to be taken into consideration: that is how to ensure personal data gathered from the wearable not to be misused.

When wearables being attached to people and being used to monitor his/her daily routine, he/she might feel offended, even he/she is aware of it (for instance, an employer wanted to supervise the employee), let alone he/she is not ware of it (for example, a wife or husband attached a wearable-detectophone to the spouse, wanting to find out if the partner is faithful or not).

In the cases above, wearables bring to us another dimension: the legal aspect. Would the improper usage violate the laws and how are we going to tackle this?

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