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Introduction to French Literature Fall 2008



Syllabus, schedule and location

Click here to view the syllabus. The course is held on MWF 01:25PM – 02:15PM, in Old Main, Room 309.

Course books

Bauer, Camille. Graded French Reader: Deuxième étape, Fourth Edition. Lexington, Mass.: D. C. Heath, 1992. ISBN 0-669-20463-3

Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de. Le Petit Prince. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1970. ISBN: 0-395-24005-0.

Molière. L’Avare. Paris: Classiques Larousse, 2003. ISBN: 2-03-871302-2.

Rostand. Cyrano de Bergerac. Paris: Classiques Larousse, 1996. ISBN 2-03-871450-9.

Voltaire. Zadig ou la Destinée. Paris: Classiques Larousse, 2003. ISBN 2-03-871551-3.

You can purchase the course books from the Bookstore. When you search online, look for the following booklist: Baylor > Baylor University > FALL 2008 > FRE > 3310 > 01

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