
In Judges 16 we read that Samson falls in love with a woman named Delilah.  She is bribed into finding the source of Samson’s strength so that the rulers of the Philistines can come and kill him.  She constantly begs Samson to tell her where his strength comes from until he becomes tired to death of her incessant questioning. (Judges 16:16)  He tells her that if his hair is shaved off then he will no longer be strong.  He gives into this constant badgering from Delilah and it ultimately leads to his death and downfall.

Christians today often reflect this story of Samson and his demise.  We place ourselves in a situation where we are going to constantly be tempted to sin.  We fight and fight to keep from stumbling but we never get rid of the source of the problem.  After so long we give under the pressure and do the very thing we said we wouldn’t do.  We can learn from Samson’s story that we must be disciplined to root out the source of our temptation.  If we don’t then we run the risk of death and destruction, whether that be spiritually, emotionally, or physically.

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