Frequently Asked Questions

Check out some of our most popular topics and answers to FAQs here!

  • How can I get involved in undergraduate research?  We have advice about sending emails, the interview, and actually starting research.
  • What do I need to do to be accepted into medical school?  Sri has some great insights in his post about myths about extracurricular activities.
  • Have questions about the Honors College and how might that fit into a chemistry or biochemistry degree?  Kate explains the differences between the Honors College programs here.
  • Thinking about AP credit?  Dr. McGrath and the Student Ambassadors share their two cents here.
  • What should I do if I am struggling in my classes?  Check out these amazing free resources that Baylor offers to support students academically.
  • What is daily life like a chemistry or biochemistry major at Baylor University?  Follow Kate around for a day in her post about a day in the life!