Looking Toward 2018

As I reflect over the many changes that have occurred in the past year, I have become more and more thankful for my family, good friends, and Baylor University. I am especially thankful for God’s amazing grace which has sustained us for yet another year. I am also grateful for the loyal support you have given the “B” Association and for the leadership of our 2017 president, Dusty Sanderson. Dusty has set a new bar for leadership in the association. After becoming an officer on the board three years ago, he led several successful initiatives with the most recent being the establishment of the Dutch Schroeder Letterwinners Legacy Endowment. Dusty will continue his service to the association as past-president in 2018, while also representing the “B” Association on the university’s Board of Regents through 2019.


The Board of Directors for 2018:

At the 2017 General Membership Meeting in November, the “B” Association membership approved the following slate of officers and directors:

Officers: President- Mr. Pat Combs (baseball), President-Elect- Mr. Ken Buckley (football), Vice President- Mr. Michael Johnson (football/track), Treasurer- Mr. Phil Duren (track), Past-President- Mr. Dusty Sanderson (trainer).

Directors: Mr. Cody Carlson (football), Mrs. Kathy Jones Childers (volleyball), Mr. Jeff Cunningham (track), Mr. Wayne Dunlap (track), Mr. Ted Gillum (football, track), *Mrs. Jennifer Jordan Washington (track), Mr. Neil Luft (trainer/mgr), *Mr. Randy Martin (trainer), Mrs. Jennifer Putty Martinsen (volleyball), Mr. Richard Naylor (trainer), *Mr. Mario Price (football), *Mr. Mike Sims (trainer), *Ms. Shannon Spitzer (trainer), and Mr. Jon Topolski (baseball).
*=New Officers/Directors


Congratulations to director Michael Johnson who was elected to serve as vice president in 2018 after completing his three-year term as a director from 2015-2017. As we welcome our new board leaders, I want to take a moment to express gratitude to the other officers and directors who will complete their terms of service on December 31. They are: Mr. Brad Goebel (football), Ms. Chanelle Fox (w. basketball), Mr. Rick Fox (baseball), Mr. Darrell Ward (track), and Mr. Don Riddle (baseball). We are a stronger letterwinners organization today because these individuals chose to share their talents with us.


Acknowledgments & Appreciation:

Finally, I want to thank our loyal and dedicated staff members Tammy Hardin and Lauren Sanderson who regularly go the extra mile to “get the job done.” They are both outstanding team members, and they are a joy to with which to work.

In closing, as we approach the coming new year, thanks again for your continued support and involvement in 2017. Your participation is even more important in 2018. So, let us come together and help make the coming year the very best it can be for Baylor and for our “B” Association.


Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!



Walter Abercrombie
Executive Director, Baylor “B” Association


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